Are vocals important to you? What about lyrics?

haha good I think it's amazing!!! Bleak's amazing also. So is Blackwater Park but yea they are my 2nd favorite band so why woundn't I think they are amazing. I mean the only other band that does the long song thing is Dream Theater.
Blue_Jay said:
I agree. Trivium has quite possibly the worst vocalist I have ever seen in my life. They seriously need to get a new vocalist or atleast change the vocalist's style. I heard on their next album though there will be different vocals so the voice of many people will have finally be heard.

I've heard the new vocals and I hate them more so than before. Why is everyone trying to emulate Phil Anselmo? :erk:
I used to like new Metallica more than old Metallica. Back then my favorite album from the new Metallica was St. Anger. I liked how it was heavier than the other albums they made. I would repeatedly listen to the album's first 3 songs and on some days listen to Invisable Kid, Sweet Amber, and Invisable Kid. Nu Metallica soon became old to me after I started to dislike nu metal and now I listen to only the old Metallica.
The lyrics themselves aren't necessarily as important as the "spirit" in which they are written. In other words, the theme is more important than the words themselves. That isn't to say the words are meaningless, but just not as critical to me. This becomes more of an issue in Black and Death Metal as the lyrical content(or "spirit") is, for me, an important part of the whole feel of the music. It isn't the be all and end all, though. For instance I love Immortal, but the lyrics were perhaps, interesting back in 2003, etc. the Ice & Mountain theme was tedious to say the least - but the music was just magnificent.
Vocal style and delivery is a make or break thing for me. A poor vocalist can kill a band for me. Conversely, an outstanding vocalist can rescue mediocre music from the dustbin of metal history.
One of the primary reasons I despise Metalcore(aside from it's stunning lack of creativity or originality and PC attitude) is the use of whiney, emo-ish vocals combined with that unbearable, mind-numbing shouting and screeching. No matter how heavy the music may be(orginal or not) that vocal style is anathama to me.
Vocals yes, lyrics less so. I can stand bad lyrics if the music is worth it and good lyrics can certainly enhance the song.
i have very rarely in my life experienced an artist who produces music of any real value that cannot also produce a coherent lyric sheet. speech is the first artform. if you can't string 7 words together to convey an idea, your music is also prolly fucking gay.
Teh Grimace said:
i have very rarely in my life experienced an artist who produces music of any real value that cannot also produce a coherent lyric sheet. speech is the first artform. if you can't string 7 words together to convey an idea, your music is also prolly fucking gay.

Kind of. Except that really bad lyrics, written in an honest, spirited way (rather than in some pseudo-ironic post-hardcore clap-trap kind of way) can actually heighten my enjoyment of a song. I enjoy the youthful naivete of such a song.

E.G. Death - Zombie Ritual. Great song; terrible lyrcs, but all the better for them...
I really enjoy concept albums lyrically because they usually tell a story.
vocal styles of black and death metal are my favorite sounding.for some reason "clean" vocals get on my nerves except a few Hardcore/punk bands.
Female metal or punk "clean" vocals are cool though
I guess, I have a very high tolerance for shitty vocals, because I can listen to Web of Wyrd and not be bothered by the vocals. The music is great, the vocals less so, but it doesn't really detract from the experience too much.

BTW, their vocalist is what one'd get if they crossed Bobby Blitz and Dani Filth. :\

Lyrics arn't too important, though they can always enhance a song if they are well written ... or poorly written in Grave Digger's case :)

Guitar >>>>> Bass = Drums >= keyboards if included >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vocals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lyrics
The Greys said:

1. guitars... by a long shot.

2. drums

3. bass

4. vocals

5. lyrics

Would you, by any chance, happen to play the guitar?

To be honest, I simply can't understand why would someone want to emphasize some instrument over another. And yes vocals are an instrument. Sure there are instrumentals and it doesn't necessarily take the common choice of instruments to make a great song, but I just fail to understand ranking among instruments included in the same song. You might aswell claim the brick to be the most important part of a brickhouse, while infact you'd build quite a fucked up house without the mortar or the foundation. Without each of the elements used to build the house present, the house wouldn't be much of a house, would it? Thus, you can't really emphasize the guitar or the keyboard, since it'd sound retarded without the drums or the bass.