Are vocals important to you? What about lyrics?

Considering most songs in the genre of Metal are extremely guitar oriented, I'm bewildered by the idea that you think all instruments are equally important.
Necuratul said:
Considering most songs in the genre of Metal are extremely guitar oriented, I'm bewildered by the idea that you think all instruments are equally important.

I'd be interested in seeing you make up a good black metal song without the drums. :rolleyes:
What an alarmingly stupid post. By giving more prominence to one instrument, that does not negate the necessity of the others. Guitar is merely more important, not the only instrument that is important. But how often do you listen to a song because of the drums? Bass? I would be willing to bet that a majority of the time you listen to a song because of the guitars.
All instruments are pretty important. The only one that I could give a lil less of attention is bass. BUT(t)! It doesnt mean that its not important. Song without bass sounds incomplete. Its just that usually bass is the most err hiden? And not that "bright" as guitar, drums or vocals.
Necuratul said:
What an alarmingly stupid post. By giving more prominence to one instrument, that does not negate the necessity of the others. Guitar is merely more important, not the only instrument that is important. But how often do you listen to a song because of the drums? Bass? I would be willing to bet that a majority of the time you listen to a song because of the guitars.

I don't know about you but I listen to the song because of the song. Most of the best music out there wouldn't be worth shit with any part missing. I think its also a matter of songwriting ability... it takes more as a composer to write music where the instruments combine into more than the sum of their parts.

For me, its all equally important.
I don't know where everyone is getting these "it wouldn't be the same if you take the [insert instrument] out" comments from, because it really has nothing to do with what I said. All I'm saying is that Metal is a very guitar-oriented genre. Songs are most often written on guitar, and the song is built around that. Drums are often insignificant and merely serve the role of keeping the beat. Same as the bass. That's why they're often called the rhythm section. I'm not saying that writing a song using only a guitar is a genius idea. I'm just saying that it is more important (for the most part) than the other instruments in the context of Metal.
Would you rather listen to a song with just drums or guitars ?

Drums are fucking annoying actually. Usually not on record but playing guitars while someone plays drums in real life. Drums are important as a back bone but some people don't really realize how annoying a real drum set sounds. Instruments don't actually sound like they do on your favorite cds.
The Greys said:
Drums are fucking annoying actually. Usually not on record but playing guitars while someone plays drums in real life. Drums are important as a back bone but some people don't really realize how annoying a real drum set sounds.
Yeah, drums kind of dominate in a live setting, but that can be greatly improved by wearing ear plugs.
The Greys said:
Drums are fucking annoying actually. Usually not on record but playing guitars while someone plays drums in real life. Drums are important as a back bone but some people don't really realize how annoying a real drum set sounds. Instruments don't actually sound like they do on your favorite cds.

Without drums, full songs sound weak. Drums and guitars work off each other: drums have no purpose if they aren't backing up a melody and guitars sound messy without drums to hold them together with a beat.
Necuratul said:
What an alarmingly stupid post. By giving more prominence to one instrument, that does not negate the necessity of the others. Guitar is merely more important, not the only instrument that is important. But how often do you listen to a song because of the drums? Bass? I would be willing to bet that a majority of the time you listen to a song because of the guitars.
What he's saying is that a good band should be more than the sum of its parts: the interaction between instruments is what makes a band great.
That's still irrelevant to what I said. :erk: It's not like I disagree what a band should be more than a couple of instruments being played.