Are vocals important to you? What about lyrics?

I hate lyrics that bitch/complain/whine about something, no matter what it is. Bands with a lyrical focus on politics and personal issues tend to piss me off. There are a few bands like this that I like, though, like Death's later stuff. I like bands that focus on fantastical subjects, explaining my love for power metal.
Usually lyrics doesnt matter to me, but sometimes I like lyrics based on a story, like symphony x and bal sagoth, like fantasy. as long the music is good it doesnt matter.
Blue_Jay said:
Sometimes lyrics make a song sounds good but for the most part, if they aren't good lyrics, I usually won't care. That is of course were talking about something that isn't totally stupid like hardcore bands.

Yeah I don't really dig the hardcore stuff either, but mainly for the way the vocals sound as opposed to the lyrics. I like good lyrics in metal but I also enjoyed "McDonaldland Massacre" and some songs by Six Feet Under and Vehemence. :lol:
Yes, vocals and lyrics are both important to the band, but primarily after the distinction has been made to conclude what the band is primarily about.. is it an instrumental band? Then no. Is it a band like Megadeth or Malmsteen where the guitarist wants to show off? Then no.
Personally for me, I like a band which knows how to blend in vocals with intelligent lyrics in the song. They're a major component of the whole track.

As for guitars being the primary instrument, it isn't necessary. Look at bands like Nightwish, Rhapsody. They're dependant on the keyboards more than the guitars. Again, depends on the band and the genre.
Authentic Metalhead said:
That's all a matter of opinion. I, for one, have a penchant for keyboard-driven bands. There's only so many things you can do with a guitar.

You should listen to Bal Sagoth.
A lot can be done on a guitar. I would not go as far as saying someone can do more with keyboards.
The Greys said:
A lot can be done on a guitar. I would not go as far as saying someone can do more with keyboards.

With keyboards you have a wide variety of sounds available to you, though a lot of metal keyboardists don't really use them. Dragonforce's keyboardist did some good work on their latest album, and Janne Warman from Children of Bodom never fails to impress with his keyboarding skills. Keyboards are often more interesting to me because the amount of keyboard-driven bands is significantly smaller than guitar-driven bands.
Authentic Metalhead said:
I have, and they're fucking amazing. I'm not sure what album of theirs to get, though. Seeing as you're a big fan, what would you recommend?

Get the "Chthonic Chronicles" first, every song on that one is great. Next you should get 'Atlantis Acsndant", and pretty much go backwards. Dont get the demo though.
Authentic Metalhead said:
With keyboards you have a wide variety of sounds available to you, though a lot of metal keyboardists don't really use them. Dragonforce's keyboardist did some good work on their latest album, and Janne Warman from Children of Bodom never fails to impress with his keyboarding skills. Keyboards are often more interesting to me because the amount of keyboard-driven bands is significantly smaller than guitar-driven bands.

and don't forgoet Micheal Pinnella and Jordan Rudess.
I like instrumental bands a lot, so for me it's the actual music that matters. I can tolerate shitty vocalists well enough, but if a band can hold their own without vocals, then that's really something to me.
dill_the_devil said:
If the vocals are clean, I concentrate more on the lyrics. If they're growled/screamed, chances are they're going to be about murder and Satan anyway.

dill_the_devil said:
If the vocals are clean, I concentrate more on the lyrics. If they're growled/screamed, chances are they're going to be about murder and Satan anyway.

Yay for stupid fucking baseless generalizations. :kickass: