are you a METAL parent?


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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I just wondered how many of y'all are parents??? I have a little girl, Ella, who will be a YEAR OLD this July. Hard to believe...she's our first and it feels like she just got here. Time has flooooooooooooooown by. Anyways, not trying to get all gushy on you all. I just wondered how many of you have kids, how many, and how old are they? And did having kids hamper your passion for metal at all? I can't say that becoming a parent has had an effect on my musical tastes, but it sure has hit my wallet hard...can't buy as much stuff as I used to... but a lot of my old headbanger buddies have quit listening to metal, saying that "You need to listen to jazz or (fill in the blanks) to mellow out..etc. etc." ANYWAYS, it'd be great to hear back from all of you....

2 Girl kids here ages 8 and 10...they don't have a dislike for metal as I often play it, but again, I don't think it's their favorit stuff either. The oldest daughter appriciates some good metal , she also is a good piano player. Well, they are asleep now, will post a pic tomorrow if I don't forget.
And no, My music taste hasn't changed with having came more on the background a while, but didn't change.
I have a 20 year old daughter and an almost one year old granddaughter. Neither have had the slightest impact on my musical taste (and I have to say I can't see why it would on anyone), in fact I've almost got the granddaughter headbanging.
As you know TVF I have three kids, I will NEVER listen to anything Mellow.
I think as Mellow as I get would be something from the 80's glam era or some acoustic blues stuff...
I have no interest in listening to jazz or mood music, it's just not me.
So in short, you WILL NOT see an Enya disc in my collection!
I don't have any children...yet! I play my music around my very young relatives and they seem to like. They jump around like wild animals :lol: So I wouldn't change anything after I have my own children. I do notice that most young children don't like loud music. Especially very young little girls. So I turn the volume down quite a bit for them.
Girlie who just turned 2 and the little man will be 4 in August :) Both rock out to Daddy's Heavy Metal, but also to Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer, etc. lol. The little man likes singing "You Can'ttt Stoppp Rock N Rollll" from Twisted Sister, haha!
MetalAges said:
Girlie who just turned 2 and the little man will be 4 in August :) Both rock out to Daddy's Heavy Metal, but also to Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer, etc. lol.
Hey that Dora chick can rock out. And Blue? closet black metal fan.
No kids yet...mut you can rest assured that if and when we have any, they will be listening to Sabbath, Metallica, Slayer and Iron Maiden in the crib...and they're getting a bass guitar put in their hands as soon as they can walk... :p
Here are them evil kids o_O
i've got four of them.the eldest two listen to some metal-i took the eldest to metallica last year,and the youngest two just accept it as the form of music thats played in the house-both the wife and i listen to metal,in fact,she likes the more extreme stuff,while i'm a little more old school.
congrats on your little one turning one ted,its the best age for your kids imo-they are so sweet at that age.its a few years after when they start giving you attitude that you start wondering why you had them!!
We have no kids. We decided together no to take any kids. My wife has her flowershop and I have my teaching job. We both love schildren though. Obviously I like kids or I would have not survived teaching highschool kids. These kid just know when you don't like them. And I have a great relation with my students :)
I have a ten yr old son,he starts guitar lessons next week and I'm psyched! I never let being a parent get in the way of my passion for metal. I've raised my son well,he loves Sabbath,Priest and Dio,and not to mention alot of newer stuff like Godsmack and Disturbed.I took him to his first concert at age 9,it was Godsmack. I've never seen him have so much fun,he is definitely my child! I think the whole mellowing out thing is a crock of shit! If you are a true metalhead, why would you ever drop it like a bad habit? I believe in carrying the metal torch ,I know my son will pass it on! \m/ Metal Forever!
wow! Great feedback guys...and what a great photo of the two little ones throwing the horns!!!!!!! Hilarious....

Well, so far I've got her liking KISS...she loves any kind of "puppet" stuff rather than cartoons...Elmo, Barney, Teletubbies, etc. well, I think she thinks KISS are some kind of characters...GEEZZZ...Doesn't Every little kid think that? Anyways, I can put on the KISS Symphony dvd and she just loves it! She'll gaze at the tv for 3 or 4 songs at least...she likes Gene, too. Just like her daddy!
I have a five year old daughter who has grown up with rock and metal she sings along to Highway to Hell AC/DC and Unskinny Bop (yes I am helping her to learn a better poison track) and she goes mad when the Fear Factory video for Demanufacture (i think that is the song title??) comes on the T.V.
tedvanfrehley said:
wow! Great feedback guys...and what a great photo of the two little ones throwing the horns!!!!!!! Hilarious....

I'm taught my two year old niece to give the horns too :D I don't have any kids, but I can say my parents are somehow responsible for me liking metal, they got me into rock and I picked it up from there :)