My 2 cents on all this mess.
The reason I came here for starters was because this is the Old School forum. I love the old school, I'm squared, elitist, snob, idiot, asshole, or whatever people can call me. I see no point in move from my little compact frame of reference,
it suits me. Of course I like newer bands as long as they remind me of the old school: Wolf, Dream Evil, Astral Doors, Made Of Iron, Cryonic Temple, Superchrist, Doomshine, etc.
I believe in preaching the gospel of true metal to the heathens

, but I see no point in rub my views or preferences to anyone else especially metalheads.
The same way I expect no one to rub its preferences or views on me, live and let live is the motto of UMOS in a sense.
I'm not into glam, death, black but I have NO PROBLEM whatsoever with people who like it. Neither I have to those who like mallcore, hardcore, grindcore, etc., I know its not for me. I had received enough shit in forums for liking what I like, and I still believe if you don't like it...just skip it.
I do believe Ever, Sava and JD stated pretty clear their views in an adequate manner, as well I believe Militia overreacted and took the easy way out. No one chase her out, she brought it upon herself. All that took to stay was to humblely accept that we
came here by our own hand (nobody twist my arm), that we have certain rules like in any society, and
that get along is easier than pick a fight.
As Hawk stated, she broke the rules time and again and was warned, its Hawk duty, it mat not be nice but someone has to do it. Hawk took the right and duty with honor and pride, he ALWAYS will have my support on this matter.
I came here with open eyes and open mind, I came here to share with people that understand my words, I came here and find a lovely oasis in a desert of forums. I love the people here, I consider them friends and brothers. I'm going to stay and support them, from time to time I may slap they wrist

and I will expect to receive the same treatment, but I'm not going to let the forum or the people down, I'm going to defend UMOS to the end.
Flame me at will.