snobs ?

You are right Wyv. I already have send this lady an earlier warning a week or two ago about an other message of here's here on the board. So this is a second warning to you Militia!

Stop personally attacking people here on this board! Or be prepared to face the consequences.
Ten, four there, Swine. defense of Everlost and Militia I don't think either one of them said anything "offensive". I think Militia meant it as a friendly jab and I am sure Everlost is not the kind of man to get his feelings hurt. He's a soldier! The trouble with some posts is that you can't hear the tone or the're just reading it for what it's worth and without the benefit of voicing it could come off the wrong way...I've done it a time or two.

BUT, I agree that if it was a flame then it wasn't cool...but I'm just saying if it would have been thrown my way I'da laughed it off.

But then again, I like Lyle Lovett.
Well, upon a second reading...that did sound a bit like a flame, Militia. But again I say Everlost has balls of steel and probably wouldn't have lost sleep over it.

But let's not be too hard on Militia. It's probably just the Metallica talking.

I can actually say that really didnt look to much like an intentional flame She was just calling Everlost on a statement that was really closeminded and Ignorant but then again thats what the tread was about ... but I can remember several months Packing my guns and going to war in the name of kiss and glam against the evils of ignorance ... Hawk is the MOD and I will support him nomatter what I would follow that MF to the pits of hell and fight the devil at his side as brothers of metal ...I just have to wonder if Everlost basiclly got what he deserved and if she gets banned he should be banned for his Ignorance also :)

There! hopefully I have managed to stay on everybodies side but still got my point across I dont think anyone was trying to start a flame war ... and if it did happen it wouldnt be surprising due to the subject matter ...
Well, the point is that I have been very patient as of now. Like Wyv I consider this an personal attack upon a member of UMOS. I already have send Militia a warning before and I am seeing time and time again that she is seeking out the very limit of what is permissible here.

At the moment I feel I have to check everything she writes because I don't know if or when she will go over the line. Thats not a pleasant thing to do. I feel I can't trust her at the moment.

One of the first things she did when arriving here was insult Droogie, one of our newest members and a very cool guy! And after that I have deleted 1 other insulting messages of her. Together with this one that makes 3.

Now please do not think I am eager to remove her from UMOS. I am most certainly not. She is just as welcome as any other well intentioned poster. But something got to give here. I want to trust her, but messages as this do not help.

What bothers me the most is that we have loads of posters that get it strait away without any problems. So what the big idea here??

So there is going to be a lot depending on how she takes this. I hope it will turn out OK.
Please give the young lady a little bit of a break she is only 15. Hopefully she will take
the hint. Cmon Militia please show some of that English courtesy. You and Droogie are
fine additions to our forum but you have to follow the rules believe you me The Finnish
Black Metal ForumI participate in is a hell of a lot stricter than UMOS!

So Hawk my man, I take it you didn't read my reply to your 'Warning' PM?

I don't really care whether you find me too outspoken or whatever your problem is, I was waiting for you to get in a huff over it again :p

And thanks people for defending me but I don't need it, I don't feel in any way intimidated or remotely bothered what people think about me.

Hawk, I think you need to reassess the fact that not everybody is a little mouse when it comes to discussions. If EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY says something so ridiculously stupid that I personally happen to find offensive (Yes Wyvern, offensive) I don't see why I shouldn't deal with it in the same way. If there is such a Spirit of respect, why should 'newbs' be treated any differently to 'regulars'? I don't find that all too respectful myself.

And it's a great shame that you don't trust me, Hawk. Because I trust you. I can honestly say I can trust you to keep this board at a moderate pace, to keep discussions dull and freedom of speech less free. Good job, man. That's exactly what a forum is all about. I mean, I'm not digging at the members here, you're swell, but I find this whole regime a bit oppressive. So what if people have a point of view, everyone is different, deal with it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Well anyway, back to what I was saying.

If I tell Jonny that stoners are gay, or Everlost that he's a snob (which in all fairness, is true) then I'm pretty sure it will roll off their backs or they're free to flame me back. Most the time it's just a joke, and most people recognise that and can laugh it off and make a dig back, and we're all fine. I don't know why they would need protecting from a meany weany fifteen-year-old girl across the globe. I'm pretty sure people can defend themselves.

Hawk, it's nice of you to offer a complimentary booting from the site, but I think I can show myself out. Have a nice day y'all :wave:
Just what is your problem? If you find it so boring here I just hope you STAY away. Go somewere were you can flame people at your hearts content.

just don't do it here!
I want to remind everybody that the Ignore List exists. I have 9 people already in it, people that either were flamers or attacked me personally. I didn't resolve to insults, I just decided to ignore them and their posts.

I'm sure it would have been a better deal for those involved in this matter (meaning if you felt aggravated just Ignore the poster). And I'm sure this post may not be read for some of you because I'm already on your ignore list :lol:

But that's life.
Im a snob and I find you ridiculously ignorant. Begone. :wave: This thread was originally based on whether you are an elitist ass or not and I stand high and proud that I stand by what i believe in ,true metal of various kinds whether death, black, power, old school, thrash or whatever. Obviously i hit a nerve considering you took such an offense to my statement. Because anybody who is die hard about their metal or a snob or whatever would not have found anything ridiculous about my post. Only a death metal purist or a cryptopsy fan wouldve made sucha fuss. :grin:

Nobody is on my ignore list because everyone should feel free to make them selves look stupid. :tickled:

NP: Brainstorm Heavenly
ya know, I think we're all a little snobby in that we think metal is the greatest music form ever........and we all have our favorite bands....what was mine again? Oh yeah...VAN HALEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I am pretty new here but I think it's kind of fucked up you chased Militia outta here?!? She responded to another post that I found kind of offensive. WTF. I know it's old school, but you are sounding like those guys I talked to in the mid eighties and saying the only thing that was good was Zeppelin, Floyd, and other classic bands. The music changes! Get over it! Nothing will sound the way it once was. I love the eighties old school scene! I grew up in it! But I can let myself be open to what is going on now. Sorry if this offends, but it is the way I believe.
SavaRon said:
I know I am pretty new here but I think it's kind of fucked up you chased Militia outta here?!? She responded to another post that I found kind of offensive. WTF. I know it's old school, but you are sounding like those guys I talked to in the mid eighties and saying the only thing that was good was Zeppelin, Floyd, and other classic bands. The music changes! Get over it! Nothing will sound the way it once was. I love the eighties old school scene! I grew up in it! But I can let myself be open to what is going on now. Sorry if this offends, but it is the way I believe.

Fortunately my friend I dont you could offend me :grin:
My 2 cents on all this mess.

The reason I came here for starters was because this is the Old School forum. I love the old school, I'm squared, elitist, snob, idiot, asshole, or whatever people can call me. I see no point in move from my little compact frame of reference, it suits me. Of course I like newer bands as long as they remind me of the old school: Wolf, Dream Evil, Astral Doors, Made Of Iron, Cryonic Temple, Superchrist, Doomshine, etc.

I believe in preaching the gospel of true metal to the heathens :lol:, but I see no point in rub my views or preferences to anyone else especially metalheads.
The same way I expect no one to rub its preferences or views on me, live and let live is the motto of UMOS in a sense.
I'm not into glam, death, black but I have NO PROBLEM whatsoever with people who like it. Neither I have to those who like mallcore, hardcore, grindcore, etc., I know its not for me. I had received enough shit in forums for liking what I like, and I still believe if you don't like it...just skip it.

I do believe Ever, Sava and JD stated pretty clear their views in an adequate manner, as well I believe Militia overreacted and took the easy way out. No one chase her out, she brought it upon herself. All that took to stay was to humblely accept that we came here by our own hand (nobody twist my arm), that we have certain rules like in any society, and that get along is easier than pick a fight.
As Hawk stated, she broke the rules time and again and was warned, its Hawk duty, it mat not be nice but someone has to do it. Hawk took the right and duty with honor and pride, he ALWAYS will have my support on this matter.
I came here with open eyes and open mind, I came here to share with people that understand my words, I came here and find a lovely oasis in a desert of forums. I love the people here, I consider them friends and brothers. I'm going to stay and support them, from time to time I may slap they wrist :D and I will expect to receive the same treatment, but I'm not going to let the forum or the people down, I'm going to defend UMOS to the end.

Flame me at will.
Wyvern said:
I'm going to defend UMOS to the end.

I'm getting a solid power / epic metal vib from that post! I can practically hear Manowar pounding away in the background :grin:
wdiv said:
I'm getting a solid power / epic metal vib from that post! I can practically hear Manowar pounding away in the background :grin:

:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

The best part is that I don't like Manowar at all.