Are you a true metalhead?

26% Emo

36% Metalhead

10% Punk

23% Geek

26% Goth

24% Internet Addict

I can't be arsed to do the rest.
Your are 34% Metal Head

Your are 32% Emo

Your are 22% Punk Rock

Your are 28% Geek

Your are 12% Goth

Your are 32% Raver

Your are 42% Grunge

Your are 50% Tortured Artist

well. i guess i'm nothing.
I am 82% Metal Head<BR><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a><BR>I was born with the mark of the beast on my forehead and an axe in my arms. I am the god of all things metal! Now if only I could get my parents to give me back my car keys.....<BR><BR><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Take the Metal Head Test at </b></a>
Originally posted by elric
Bruce Campbell==ska?? I don't get that :p

Emo is I guess you'd say kinda like punk but instead of being angry, they're depressed... I think? Someone with a correction? Last time I tried to answer that question, I got yelled at, so I'm a little paranoid now ;)

I'm off to take the tests now... will post results

Emo does sound like punk, but lyrics are EMOtional deep and meaningful (see my signature for example), good examples of emo bands are weezer and Jimmy Eat World