Are you packing heat?

I'd be curious to know where the gun was purchased. Not that it matters a whole lot, but it causes some of these states to address their insane policies, maybe some good comes out of it.

The news said it was a local gun store. Apparently he walked in, paid by credit card, left with the gun. The shopkeeper said it was just like any other sale - something along the lines of 'he looked like a good clean college kid'. That's all I know I'm afraid :)
Yeah... I just read it was a Glock 19. I can't believe he was able to inflict this kind of damage with a semi-automatic handgun that holds 10 in the magazine. That's bizarre.


EDIT: Nevermind, I just read this...

Because he killed and injured so many victims in a short span of time, some people speculated that Cho used high-capacity magazines containing as many as 33 rounds in each clip.

Under the federal assault-weapons ban enacted in 1994, magazines were limited to 10 rounds. But that ban was allowed to expire in 2004.

I was completely unaware that the law, enforcing a 10 clip max, had an expiration date. I was also unaware, that the Glock 19 was capable of holding any more than 17 in the clip.
I'm with the majority of people here...I would never considering owning a gun and would feel less comfortable with one around, and I'm for stricter firearms regulation (but not total criminalization) and safety standards and mandatory background checks, but that will never happen here when we've got gun nuts and the NRA (and their puppets in Washington) fighting to keep assault weapons legal...
Yeah... I just read it was a Glock 19. I can't believe he was able to inflict this kind of damage with a semi-automatic handgun that holds 10 in the magazine. That's bizarre.


EDIT: Nevermind, I just read this...

Because he killed and injured so many victims in a short span of time, some people speculated that Cho used high-capacity magazines containing as many as 33 rounds in each clip.

Under the federal assault-weapons ban enacted in 1994, magazines were limited to 10 rounds. But that ban was allowed to expire in 2004.

I was completely unaware that the law, enforcing a 10 clip max, had an expiration date. I was also unaware, that the Glock 19 was capable of holding any more than 17 in the clip.

Yea it was a glock, I was wrong.

I cant believe more people didnt hear about the assault weapon ban expiration. When it happened my Mom and I were dumbfounded.
33 bullets in a magazine. Just sick. This isn't a law that needs an expiration date, this just needs total banning.

And sold to some Korean who could barely speak English, got dumped by some freshman chick who dinged him after a few too many brewskies, he thought she loved him, she told him to walk, he got VD, she was on to the next gook, and then Mr ChingChong walked into a classroom and executed 30 kids at point blank range.

Didn't the gun salesman notice the fact that he was Korean? Don't you at least have to be a US citizen to buy a gun in the US?

Has Charlton Heston made a statement yet? Let me guess....FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS
He was a legal citizen, he just had to show his green card. He lived in the US since 1992.
I'm with the majority of people here...I would never considering owning a gun and would feel less comfortable with one around...
For what it's worth, I use to feel the same way. However, after owning a gun, I now feel exactly the opposite. I wouldn't feel comfortable not having one in the house. It's worth noting that I don't have kids, so I don't have to concern myself with those issues.

My guns are secured in cases. The handgun is in a case with a combo lock. That way if I have to use it in a pinch, I have to remember the combo, then take the time to enter the combo, then get the gun out, put the clip in . . . and BAM, I'm ready to rock!

A couple thoughts I had about gun control:

1) If guns were banned or extremely hard to come by, would these psychos just find another means of violence (like bombs)?

2) Do countries that have had bans on guns have the gun culture thing that the US has? Rap videos and movies glorify guns like mad over here. I'm just wondering if the easy availability of guns has helped contribute to the way media worships them over here.
If someone came into my house I would follow the drill layed out in the gun saftey classes I took, not engage them:
  • Grab my gun
  • Head for the bathroom, in my bedroom, and lock the door
  • Call the police and let them know where I am in the house and that I'm armed
  • Put my wife between the back wall and I, with my gun fixed on the bathroom door
  • Of course, the intuder would first need to kick in my bedroom door and deal with my rottweiler.
I would think so.


So uh.... the little wifey doesn't get a little gun too? Or do ya guys take turns with this shit? One time it's you with the gun, second time it's her, etc etc. :cool:

In all seriousness, I guess that's sweet of you. =/
also i'm curious, in households with kids it's generally safe practice to store the weapon and the ammo in different places; wouldn't that affect its usefulness as protection in most cases?

thats how mine is. Actually im not sure where the cartridges are anymore because the wife moved them because the son was playing with them. :erk: My gun is pretty useless but I don't anticipate a home invasion any time soon. 30 years and counting without one.
store them, and lock them up

yeah, not really effective against these OMGWTF home invasions that everyone is so paranoid about, but your kid won't be playing with them.