Are you still a CoB fan? When will you stop being a fan?

Are you still a CoB fan?

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Mar 30, 2006
I posted this in another forum, too. After reading this forum for a long time I want to know your opinion. Do you like the new album and do you still say you're a Children of Bodom fan?

I know many people who don't like the new album and lost interest in the band (which happened to In Flames and Opeth and last albums, too!). That is very sad I think. I do like the new album very much.

Please post your comments and vote.

(Thanks to Resa for the English help!)
If you have been reading this for a long time, you'd know that most of here would say No for the question "Do you like the new album?". You can stil be a fan even if you don't like the latest album. And whats wrong with Opeths latest album?
No! I like Opeth last album. But my friends don't like it. They say shit about it.

I have seen here very angry debates. User like the new album and other users don't like it. I want to know if somebody like the band or if he lost interest in Bodom and is no fan.
I just became Bodom fan shortly before Are You Dead Yet? came out, so it's not like I was anticipating it for a long time and was hugely let down by it, like some Bodom fans apparently. So yes, I am still a fan of Bodom... As for what I think about the new album - I've heard it but I'll get around to really listening to it later... maybe after I buy Follow the Reaper and listen to that a lot like I have been Hatebreeder and Hate Crew Death Roll.
I voted no because I feel let down by a band that I've loved since they were (almost) new, it's not just the new album and music style, but everything they've been saying and doing really. I don't know, it feels wrong but I can't help feeling that way.
I think AYDY is ok. Nothin more than that....but I'm still a fan....definately. For me personally they can release anything they want, a cd with Slipknot covers, or whatever.....I don't care. Follow the Reaper, Hatebreeder and Hate Crew Deathroll are so fucking great, nothing can touch that.
Interesting thread...I voted No.

First off, I don't like AYDY...after AYDY was released I saw them in concert, they had a great setlist, and I met eveyone of them afterwards...most of them were cool, especially Jaska and Hennka. Roope was drunk, Alexi and Janne were kinda pissed off...or tired...or whatever.

So, they're still cool in person, but still I don't worship them anymore...and if they'd play a show today I wouldn't go there...

I'm not a fan anymore, but its not because of the band or AYDY. HCDR had a simillar sound, but AYDY is just sounds boring to me, so I lost interest in their releases.

I still visit this board because its fun reading all the stuff the residents write in the Off-topic section. I don't take part in this, but I'm used to read it.
I'm still a fan of their music but it ends with HCDR.
I'm a fan of COB that plays good music.
That's all..:zombie:
I'm curious how many of you will misunderstand this.
definitely YES. still a fan and will ALWAYS be a fan.
AYDY shows that they have grown up. and you have to grow up to listen to it too.
they have some really complicated melodies and pieces on the new album, which makes it very interesting to listen to. everytime you listen to it - you hear something new. for a lot of my friends this album changed the way they think about music...
i'm not saying this is the their greatest album, but it is no worse than the others.
Scorpia said:
definitely YES. still a fan and will ALWAYS be a fan.
AYDY shows that they have grown up. and you have to grow up to listen to it too.
they have some really complicated melodies and pieces on the new album, which makes it very interesting to listen to. everytime you listen to it - you hear something new. for a lot of my friends this album changed the way they think about music...
i'm not saying this is the their greatest album, but it is no worse than the others.
I'm sorry for your friends.
I disagree with that they have grown up with aydy.
COB just changed in the opposite way.:erk:
Scorpia said:
AYDY shows that they have grown up. and you have to grow up to listen to it too.
they have some really complicated melodies and pieces on the new album, which makes it very interesting to listen to. everytime you listen to it - you hear something new.

Nice to see I'm not the only sane person around..
after seeing what children of bodom fans are like....refer to my last thread in off topic Disgusting Lack of Respect...i refused to be called a fan...but i still like the music.
definitly yes..

I mean, aydy is cool in my opinion, really not the best, or one of the best.. not ftr or hatebreeder. but still good, and bodom.
every band change their music. they listen to oter music.
a band can't make 8 albums without to change.

but.. that's my opinion
yea still a fan, but AYDY really dissapointed...

ill stay a fan either till i get tired of their stuff before AYDY or maybe till they release another shitty album like AYDY, which i hope they wont
metalhatebreeder said:
definitly yes..

I mean, aydy is cool in my opinion, really not the best, or one of the best.. not ftr or hatebreeder. but still good, and bodom.
every band change their music. they listen to oter music.
a band can't make 8 albums without to change.

but.. that's my opinion
two words: Iron Maiden.
they changed too but not as widely as cob do. and their music (with Bruce) is still great!