Are you still a CoB fan? When will you stop being a fan?

Are you still a CoB fan?

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Peti said:
I'm sorry for your friends.
I disagree with that they have grown up with aydy.
COB just changed in the opposite way.:erk:

Sorry mate but I completely disagree with you,they're still great,and at the concert I was(Barcelona,European Tour 06)they were cool,and everyone did his part good and they carried on with a very good show,making good to listen every song,even Everytime I Die,song which I didn't like but no more after watching them play it and listen to it live.
Slayeah said:
No! I like Opeth last album. But my friends don't like it. They say shit about it.

I have seen here very angry debates. User like the new album and other users don't like it. I want to know if somebody like the band or if he lost interest in Bodom and is no fan.
grab a knife ad kill your friends asap.
children of COB said:
Sorry mate but I completely disagree with you,they're still great,and at the concert I was(Barcelona,European Tour 06)they were cool,and everyone did his part good and they carried on with a very good show,making good to listen every song,even Everytime I Die,song which I didn't like but no more after watching them play it and listen to it live.
awshit I was tlalking about the studio album damnit
I'm slowly becoming less and less of a fan. I still listen to all the albums every now and again, but no where near as often as I used to. I've even started to get bored of Hatebreeder and SW, simply due to my tastes evolving.

These days I'd simply rather put on Death, Nile, Arsis, Behemoth, Dissection, Augury etc and even starting to get into Doom.
Although I didn't like AYDY? at all.. yeah I think I'm still a fan. I still find myself listening to songs from the first 3 albums.. and Passage To The Reaper. I mean, I respect what they did.. kinda like Metallica I'd say.
Raistlin Majere: Yes, my friends should not survive when they don't like Opeth new album.

Bastard child and Day_Before_Dawn: You say interesting things. Many fans say that they don't like the new music on the new album and Bodom should play music as on their first two albums again. But you don't like it if Bodom plays old music on their new album. Old albums bore you, you don't like new album. What music must Bodom play today so you like it?
children of COB said:
Loads of people talks shit about AYDY?,but...what exactly don't you like about it?'Cuz you say that it's shit but,because of what?I expect that you're not saying this to be ''as the others'',because it would be awful to criticise and call shit an,in my(and others,as fortunately I've seen)opinion,good album only because ''others say that''.Come on,what's wrong with it?Have Alexi and Roope dropped off those strong riffs and solos or Janne his good work on keyboards or Jaska this rythm that have made us love Hate Crew Deathroll/Follow The Reaper...?
Drop it,there's no point on quiting of COB fan by a CD that it's not the shit most people say.After AYDY I consider myself still COB fan,maybe even more than before.Oh!,and I also wouldn't mind Slipknot cover album,because as COb fan,every new song from them(covers included and also the Britney Spears one)will be good for me,maybe I won't like it,but it will show me that COB still have wild to continue in the metal world.

:rock: agree 100%
ppl, don't just say that the new album is shit - any stupid person can say that
give some REAL evidence to support your position.. what exactly don't you like about it? they are still the same Children of Bodom that they used to be... the music structure of the songs hasn't even changed that much
if you have some valid points that you can back up, than you're worth listening to! if not, just shut up and get used to it!
the new album is the favorite for almost all band members - now that tells you something about it...
and who cares about videos? ya, i thought it was crappy too, but that doesn't make me like or dislike the song any more/less
BODOM will always RULE :rock:
tanma said:
i don´t like being called ´fan´, but i voted yes. i have listened this music years and i like it. of corpse it has changed but i still like "the new" CoB.
i don´t fucking care about the AYDY video, or any videos. i care about the music.

Yeah, you better make sure that everyone knows you aren't a "fan" being a "fan" just isn't metal. ITS NOT FUCKING METAL GOD DAMNIT!

But you... you're metal... You don't "like being called a 'fan'" :rock: :rock:
Peti said:

Yeah, I know... You're just jealous of my awesome fanboiness.

Why did you not use spaces inbetween your words??

OH YEAH! I KNOW!! YOU'RE SO FUCKING METAL!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:
In Your Face said:
Yeah, I know... You're just jealous of my awesome fanboiness.

Man, does everything you say have to be retarded? Maybe you should change your user title because it makes you feel like you have to live up to your label. Seriously, calling yourself a fanb0i doesn't justify retarded behavior; have some dignity and self respect.