Are you still a CoB fan? When will you stop being a fan?

Are you still a CoB fan?

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In Your Face said:
Yeah, I know... You're just jealous of my awesome fanboiness.

Why did you not use spaces inbetween your words??

OH YEAH! I KNOW!! YOU'RE SO FUCKING METAL!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:
FUCK OFF everyone of your posts says somthing stupid like this.
Have you not anything constructive to say.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Excuse me.. the day I first listened to the now older Bodom I thought this band sucks. Then when they started putting out more mature stuff I really started to like it..

Bullshit. More mature? "I dont give a flying Fuck mother fucker" is mature?
Mitton said:
FUCK OFF everyone of your posts says somthing stupid like this.
Have you not anything constructive to say.

Hmm... Fair enough.

You're right...

I don't have anything constructive to say to a bunch of whining idiots who complain day in and day out.. i mean, look for things to complain about in CoB's recent work.

Maybe if all of you pissed off, melodramatic, hipocritical, whiny cunts FUCKED OFF *to use your phrase from above* and left this board long ago, I wouldn't make these slightly sarcastic/outlandish posts every few days.

Quit being so emo (again, using your tr00 phrases) about AYDY and say something constructive yourself. Leave the forum to the fans.
In Your Face said:
Hmm... Fair enough.

You're right...

I don't have anything constructive to say to a bunch of whining idiots who complain day in and day out.. i mean, look for things to complain about in CoB's recent work.

Maybe if all of you pissed off, melodramatic, hipocritical, whiny cunts FUCKED OFF *to use your phrase from above* and left this board long ago, I wouldn't make these slightly sarcastic/outlandish posts every few days.

Quit being so emo (again, using your tr00 phrases) about AYDY and say something constructive yourself. Leave the forum to the fans.
It's like this. Pretend a random guy walked into your house and started just claiming that he owned the house. This is just like that. They were here first.
Father Abomination said:
I have almost every album COB have put out except for Hatebreeder, I can't find that album to save my fucking life.

It's their best album IMO.
In Your Face said:
Hmm... Fair enough.

You're right...

I don't have anything constructive to say to a bunch of whining idiots who complain day in and day out.. i mean, look for things to complain about in CoB's recent work.

Maybe if all of you pissed off, melodramatic, hipocritical, whiny cunts FUCKED OFF *to use your phrase from above* and left this board long ago, I wouldn't make these slightly sarcastic/outlandish posts every few days.

Quit being so emo (again, using your tr00 phrases) about AYDY and say something constructive yourself. Leave the forum to the fans.
excuse me Mr Cuntscab. No one around here complains and bitches about Cob. I dont know what the fuck you are talking about to be honest. When AYDY was release like 5-6 months ago, or somthing like that, some people said things like "Damn I really hate the new album, anyone else?".

Now, no one sais shit unless asked. Someone goes "Hey, wtf Ilike AYDY so i made the 3rd thread this week about it!" and most respond "We dont!", end of discussion.

Also, look up the definition for melodramatic. No one here is complaining that AYDY sucks, and no one is being depressed about it. They go "It sucks, happily I have many other bands that I listen to, I still however like the old stuff still." You call that melodramatic? Do you not know aht Emo is. The only one complaining all the time is you.

You are the one going "Lol you guys are tr00 *sarcasm*, im a rea fan im sorry that makes me not cool, i hate it when you guys do this blah blah my anus hurts".

The only complaining done here by anyone other than you, is by people telling you that you are a goddamn idiot. It shows, you seem to be angry becuae people here are alloud to have different opinions on music. They are alloud to like somthing you dont like, and you get your fucking panties in a knot when they tell you they dont like it and make jokes. Grow the fuck up, people arn't going to agree with you. Agree to disagree, people here dont like AYDY.

No one gives you or the fans any shit for liking AYDY. I've said multiple times I like AYDY, and am a pretty big COB fan, I'm not going ot get flamed. Why? Because I dont act like a motherfucking cockbite.
CliffBurton said:
excuse me Mr Cuntscab. No one around here complains and bitches about Cob. I dont know what the fuck you are talking about to be honest. When AYDY was release like 5-6 months ago, or somthing like that, some people said things like "Damn I really hate the new album, anyone else?".

Now, no one sais shit unless asked. Someone goes "Hey, wtf Ilike AYDY so i made the 3rd thread this week about it!" and most respond "We dont!", end of discussion.

Also, look up the definition for melodramatic. No one here is complaining that AYDY sucks, and no one is being depressed about it. They go "It sucks, happily I have many other bands that I listen to, I still however like the old stuff still." You call that melodramatic? Do you not know aht Emo is. The only one complaining all the time is you.

You are the one going "Lol you guys are tr00 *sarcasm*, im a rea fan im sorry that makes me not cool, i hate it when you guys do this blah blah my anus hurts".

The only complaining done here by anyone other than you, is by people telling you that you are a goddamn idiot. It shows, you seem to be angry becuae people here are alloud to have different opinions on music. They are alloud to like somthing you dont like, and you get your fucking panties in a knot when they tell you they dont like it and make jokes. Grow the fuck up, people arn't going to agree with you. Agree to disagree, people here dont like AYDY.

No one gives you or the fans any shit for liking AYDY. I've said multiple times I like AYDY, and am a pretty big COB fan, I'm not going ot get flamed. Why? Because I dont act like a motherfucking cockbite.
well said
^ as much as it will take. and i bake him up.

check the russian thread already
In Your Face : Agreed

CliffBurton : Weird how you can turn the tables around
(plus I was sure you hated Aydy because you're on the 'dark side')
Joonas Lehtonen said:
you're on the 'dark side'
what the fuck is that? are you emo cunt too?
something too hard for you to take? WTF??????????
CliffBurton said:
I've said multiple times I like AYDY, and am a pretty big COB fan, I'm not going ot get flamed. Why? Because I dont act like a motherfucking cockbite.
ZOMGZ0RZ Yes you are you like AYDY ROFLMAOBBQ@C0PTER<shift>!!<un-shift>1111
Scorpia said:
how many more times are you gonna shit at ppl for saying they like AYDY? just get over it too.. ppl say what they want, you dont have to shut everyone of them up.
How many times are you not going to read what I said, and just assume I dislike AYDY? I havnt "shit at" anyone for liking aydy, i shit at them for being coks about it.

BloodyScalpel said:
ZOMGZ0RZ Yes you are you like AYDY ROFLMAOBBQ@C0PTER<shift>!!<un-shift>1111
go listen to some Trivium :p
Been a fan for along time now and i love every cd till aydy. My opinion is that the cd sucks but that doesnt make me not a fan anymore i still love everyone of there cds besides Aydy. Also how could you say Hate crew deathrole sucks that cd is fucken amazing maybe it just isnt metal enough for you!!! God grow up please! HCDR was very complex and i believe better produced than follow the reaper but a little behind somthing wild and hatebreeder. Fucken metal people and emo people and gothic people etc etc etc... STOP labeling people go to school get a job make somthing out of your lifes and stop worrying about labeling and not liking somthing just because it might be emo or metal. Furthmore i understand this is a metal forum and i personally love metal but im embarrassed somtimes to hear discussions over music by metal fans it gets tiring listening to "thats gay. "its not fast enough " " "the cd isnt technical enough " how about just drop it, if the music strikes a chord that you like how about just like it! Or is that not metal!
Scorpia said:
^i can read and know that you like AYDY. just dont understand why you have to be a cock yourself to others who ALSO like it and are defending it...
For the Thrid fucking time.


Saying, "Hey I like it, you souldn't insult it", isn't defending the album, its just saying "Hey I like it, and and you dont, that means you don't know music and are stupid for not liking somthing I like".

Its not an argument, It cant be attacked or defended. Its "I like it" or "I dont like it".

This is going out to either sides.