Are you still a CoB fan? When will you stop being a fan?

Are you still a CoB fan?

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Oh. Thanks everybody for your time. Very good and different comments/opinions. The new video was a reason that many people don't like the band which they liked. Today I have seen the video for the first time and I don't like it (much). This does not influence me to like Bodom less.

Peti: I understand you. You like the band when they play good music. But they don't play good music on the last two album in your opinion. When they play good music; you like them.

Scorpia: Grown up is a good word. Bodom could never play this music in their first albums. Fans which like these music are happy now. The other fans don't like the new album because it doesn't sound like the old albums. But it is not possible to combine old and new and make everybody happy.

metalhatebreeder: Yes, I agree. When the new album sounds like the first albums with no change it is so boring for me. The change is good. Only ACDC can make 8 albums with no change.
Scorpia said:
definitely YES. still a fan and will ALWAYS be a fan.
AYDY shows that they have grown up. and you have to grow up to listen to it too.
they have some really complicated melodies and pieces on the new album, which makes it very interesting to listen to. everytime you listen to it - you hear something new. for a lot of my friends this album changed the way they think about music...
i'm not saying this is the their greatest album, but it is no worse than the others.

4evota ti neto smaraznula
Peti said:
I'm still a fan of their music but it ends with HCDR.
I'm a fan of COB that plays good music.
That's all..:zombie:
I'm curious how many of you will misunderstand this.
im definetly a fan. just cause AYDY wasnt exactly amazing doesnt mean im just gonna forget about every other amazing song theyve written. i still believe alexi has the ability to write some awesome shit, but of course his style is gonna change over the course of 7 or 8 years. i think/hope he'll realize it soon that he has the power and ability to make shit as good as he used to, it maybe slightly different, but if he starts writing more intricate and less chugga chugga shit then ill be happy. if he doesnt realize this, then that will suck. not that i dont like AYDY, but i dont like the direction its going. enuf of this "we are mad and r gonna beat u up" stuff. they need more epic and foresty shit.
I'm still no longer a fan of that band. And yes, i've been a fan. But I'm getting bored of the music, even with Hatebreeder. I dont know why but thats it. I discovered new good bands in the last months and since, I've got bored of them.
I've been a fan for 3 years now and i dont think AYDY was a let down. It's not my favorite album by all means, i just thought it was ok. I think you shouldn't stop liking a band just because they put out one album that was different from the rest. You stop liking them after they put out numerous shitty albums.
and for the record, I won't ever stop being a FAN!!!!


I voted yes, because I like Something Wild more than anything. AYDY in my opinion sucks, although We're Not Gonna Fall has a very interesting melody. Something Wild really did have some potential in it though. The combination of Metal and Classical sounds awsome, and Janne actually did some interesting things on Hatebreeder. As for the videos, they always sucked, so I tend to just ignore them. But the new AYDY video is where I draw the line. Hell, the Twisted Sister videos were better than that shit!
i don´t like being called ´fan´, but i voted yes. i have listened this music years and i like it. of corpse it has changed but i still like "the new" CoB.
i don´t fucking care about the AYDY video, or any videos. i care about the music.
Lithium said:
I think AYDY is ok. Nothin more than that....but I'm still a fan....definately. For me personally they can release anything they want, a cd with Slipknot covers, or whatever.....I don't care. Follow the Reaper, Hatebreeder and Hate Crew Deathroll are so fucking great, nothing can touch that.

Loads of people talks shit about AYDY?,but...what exactly don't you like about it?'Cuz you say that it's shit but,because of what?I expect that you're not saying this to be ''as the others'',because it would be awful to criticise and call shit an,in my(and others,as fortunately I've seen)opinion,good album only because ''others say that''.Come on,what's wrong with it?Have Alexi and Roope dropped off those strong riffs and solos or Janne his good work on keyboards or Jaska this rythm that have made us love Hate Crew Deathroll/Follow The Reaper...?
Drop it,there's no point on quiting of COB fan by a CD that it's not the shit most people say.After AYDY I consider myself still COB fan,maybe even more than before.Oh!,and I also wouldn't mind Slipknot cover album,because as COb fan,every new song from them(covers included and also the Britney Spears one)will be good for me,maybe I won't like it,but it will show me that COB still have wild to continue in the metal world.