Are you still a CoB fan? When will you stop being a fan?

Are you still a CoB fan?

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In Your Face said:
Yeah, you better make sure that everyone knows you aren't a "fan" being a "fan" just isn't metal. ITS NOT FUCKING METAL GOD DAMNIT!

But you... you're metal... You don't "like being called a 'fan'" :rock: :rock:

if you didn´t undestand me right, i meant i don´t like the word "fan".
i´m "fan" but i like to call myself more as a "music listener".
Scorpia said:
:rock: agree 100%
ppl, don't just say that the new album is shit - any stupid person can say that
give some REAL evidence to support your position.. what exactly don't you like about it? they are still the same Children of Bodom that they used to be... the music structure of the songs hasn't even changed that much
if you have some valid points that you can back up, than you're worth listening to! if not, just shut up and get used to it!
the new album is the favorite for almost all band members - now that tells you something about it...
and who cares about videos? ya, i thought it was crappy too, but that doesn't make me like or dislike the song any more/less
BODOM will always RULE :rock:
Why the hell does someone need a reaon to not like somthing? I seriously doubt anyone hates AYDY to bee cool on an internet board. If someone listens to music and doesnt like it, they dont need to pull out an explination, its fucking music. You like it ro you dont, end of fucking story. I dont need to come here and explain why I like or dislike AYDY. I dont need to explain to anyone about song structure and bullshit like that.

Saying its the "favorite for almost all band members" doesnt mean shit, because no one here is one of those members, and every person has different opinions. Alot of people dislike the album, alot of people like it, and no one is going to say "wow! excellent point! I'm going to suddenly like AYDY because you yelled at me about it". Both sides of the arguement need to shut the fuck up and stop bitching about it, because its not going to go anywhere.

I do consider myself a COB fan. I like AYDY, I have have a fucking HCDR flag hanging in my room. I go to the shows and all that shit, and they are right now one of my favourite bands. DO you see me argueing and taking sides on if AYDY sucks or not? No, because I could care less if any of you like it.

In Your Face said:
Yeah, you better make sure that everyone knows you aren't a "fan" being a "fan" just isn't metal. ITS NOT FUCKING METAL GOD DAMNIT!

Its possible to like COB and not be a fan. Someone can enjoy their music and go to their shows and not be a fan. Surprisingly enough, most people here, aren't making fun of you or Cob, and arn't trying to "look cool" or "be Metal" on the fucking internet.

Your ability to be the sumbest piece of shit in the internet is astounding.


P.S. Fuck Spellcheck
^ya, i can agree with that
made ur point and backed it up :)
im not trying to be mean or anything... im just saying that if you say something is shit, you could at least say why you think so and how might it be changed to be better
cause say, for example, someone from COB were to read this - they'd probably like to know what exactly their fans didn't like... and change that on the next album...
*that is highly unlikely, however, :lol: but still
Scorpia said:
^ya, i can agree with that
made ur point and backed it up :)
im not trying to be mean or anything... im just saying that if you say something is shit, you could at least say why you think so and how might it be changed to be better
cause say, for example, someone from COB were to read this - they'd probably like to know what exactly their fans didn't like... and change that on the next album...
*that is highly unlikely, however, :lol: but still

Even if the band read this, they should write music the way they want, not becuase some people bitched about it. The point is, no one needs to back up their opinions on music.
In Your Face said:
Yeah, I know... You're just jealous of my awesome fanboiness.

Why did you not use spaces inbetween your words??

OH YEAH! I KNOW!! YOU'RE SO FUCKING METAL!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:
well yeah newbie fans are teh retards! just like joonas..
and as I said, I'm a fan of good music.
As long as the bastards release new albums, They'll continue to be in my top 2 favorite bands.
I absolutely love every album put out and I have since I first heard "Follow The Reaper" which I later stole from my ex-girlfriend. I have almost every album COB have put out except for Hatebreeder, I can't find that album to save my fucking life.
The answer to both of the questions to this thread is absolutely yes.:rock: :notworthy
Peti said:
well yeah newbie fans are teh retards! just like joonas..
and as I said, I'm a fan of good music.

Excuse me.. the day I first listened to the now older Bodom I thought this band sucks. Then when they started putting out more mature stuff I really started to like it..