
okay... i listened to the first 2 tracks and i'm going to say 3 words that will probably scare most of you away: melodic death metal.

...but not in the traditional sense. no wankery solos, no happy-sounding riffs, no frills. let's just call it "death metal with melody with balls".

i like it so far.
Yep, melodic death metal. But not the gay shit. And the nazi stuff is totally lost on you. You can't understand a damn word. I'm liking this very much.

I pulled Incorrigible Bigotry out for a listen tonight. Better than I remember. In fact, I'm loving this album. I strongly recommend this album to all of you, but I'm sure some of you wussies are automatically turned off by anything remotely racist:

From 'Quelling the Simian Surge'

Above the streaming jungle
Lies snowy heights of honor
Foundations of empire are laid
On sweating backs of my pals slaves
Superior beings compelled

From 'Flogging the Cargo'

Burying swords into emaciated ribs
Tired naked souls
Could no longer walk
Exotic filthy mongrel dogs
Fettered to failure
By a flawed genome

C'mon, that more laughable than repulsive. Get it.
God damn I just laughed out loud like a goon at the title Quelling the Simian Surge.

Also, the word flogging always makes me giggle, so maybe I should get this.
Yea thats one thing that really pisses me off. Theres no reason you should ignore the excelent music (and most of the time lyrics) of bands like Graveland, Nargaroth, Arghoslent, Thor's Hammer, etc. just due to some of their personal views. I mean honestly, I dont think Gravelands next album is going to be called "KILL JEWISH PEOPLE" with a swastika overdubbed on a pile of jewish corpes from Auschwitz. Get over it.

Eh, I don't like the idea of supporting a cause I'm against, but buying this type of music isn't exactly making a tax deductible donation to the KKK.
exactly. I dont run a giant swastika flag at my house every morning, But honestly, I could care less what they do with the money, as long as they continue to make good music.
Good point.

I don't agree with murder, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go home and throw all my Burzum, Emperor, and Dissection CDs in the fire and roast marshmallows over 'em.