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Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
drank 3 forties of steel reserve last night and passed out in a puddle of my own vomit


yet i'm in a fantastic mood. time to go smoke a bowl and drop some acid. man i fucking love college.
Steel Reserve is so awesome. I don't mean to drink, I'm just talking about the whole THIS WILL KILL YOU FOR $0.99 aspect.
I never did the puking without realizing thing. I mean yeah, in college I had a good horking session at least once or a twice a month, but I always made it to the baffroom. Or at least was able to get the car window down in time. :loco:

Oh but I once zombie-walked and pissed in my own hallway.
Since college I think it's happened twice. And once was food poisoning, the other was bad Denny's eggs and like 48 Butt Lights at Lollapaloser.
hahaha, one magical night at some swanky nightclub, me and a whole crew got dressed up nice and proceeded to get fucking BOMBED. I was taking a piss in the stall and as I walked out my buddy was standing there, I said "HEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!" and he looked right through me, went into the stall, dropped to his knees, and started horking. Mind you there was about 2 inches of water all throughout the bathroom, I don't think he noticed.
NADatar said:
I never did the puking without realizing thing. I mean yeah, in college I had a good horking session at least once or a twice a month, but I always made it to the baffroom. Or at least was able to get the car window down in time. :loco:

Oh but I once zombie-walked and pissed in my own hallway.
ah well i realized i was puking at the time...don't really remember it now though! :lol:

one time i pissed in a dudes fridge :lol:
Same dude puked in my car like a year ago, fucker. Somehow he horked out the window going 80mph on the freeway and everything was fine, when I pulled over and he swung open the door, that's when it hit a terrible gust and the shit flew back inside, coating the roof and all the occupants with 8 hour old half digested onions. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuggh.......
oh man i just smelled my hand and it smells like fucking VOMIT, despite my 40-minute shower earlier

that is fucking FOUL, jesus tap dancing christ
NADatar said:
hahaha, one magical night at some swanky nightclub, me and a whole crew got dressed up nice and proceeded to get fucking BOMBED. I was taking a piss in the stall and as I walked out my buddy was standing there, I said "HEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!" and he looked right through me, went into the stall, dropped to his knees, and started horking. Mind you there was about 2 inches of water all throughout the bathroom, I don't think he noticed.

5-star story


love those nights
any of you guys remember seeing this shitzs a few years ago:


I had to try it after Indian groups were protesting :lol:
MadeInNewJersey said:
Trust me, it's not from lack of drinking in quantity.

yeah some people just don't hork, but I don't really mind as long as I've got plenty to wash it away with
"hork" = :lol:

Trust me on this as well, I "horked" almost every weekend during my Jr & Sr years of high school (ages 17-18).

At some point I guess you just get used to being able to hold your liquor.