Asian girls...


NO VEGEMITE, please! That's one of the weiredest thing I ever tasted! You can buy it in Japan, though:yuk:

I have a cat for myself, and my room mate have a cat, so there are two cats in my place. Mine's called "Shingo", named after Japanese famous pop idol(my mother gave him that name, not me:err: ) Roommate's, well it's hard to spell out in English, called "Sun-glarl" or someting like that. They are both adorable:spin: and seems they like heavy metal:rock: [/B][/QUOTE]

HAHA :D!! HEHE :D know you like it! you just want to eat it ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Vegemite for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. MMMMMMMMMM YUMMM. :lol:

Thats so cool that you can buy it in Japan. I will be getting some to put on toast when im there :]. Now if only you could get Sunmaid Dairyfood Yogurt!

Shingo sounds super cute kawaiiiiiiii neko!.

I've never heard of Singo (the popstar) but I know a few j-pop groups/idols. You will probably be sick but I actually kinda like Takako Minekawa, Kahimi Karie, Puffi, Pizzicato Five etc.

over and out, but remember, you must rock on \m/
anyway,vegemie is what??what da hail is that??an egg??"

an egg? well not exactly :)

Vegemite is a spread (like, strawberry jam on toast) and it is made mainly of yeast and other things. It is very dusturbing dark brown colour. It has a bitter styled taste and always makes the top of my mouth tingle.

It's made in Australia/New Zealand

And its the kind of food that you only like it because you have been eating it since you were younger. If you did not grow up with vegemite, then you probably will think it is disgusting/foul (like Asylum!)

I only like it sometimes and only a little bit, too much and you will vomit :)

Sounds delicious yes?

Originally posted by Lord Tim
I was planning to eat it, myself...! :grin:

Vegemite rules! HAHAHAHA!

Eat what? Tight pants? Or a Japanese girl?:grin:

My Aussie friend insisted me to try it once, but before I put it in my mouth, I sniffed at it, and was almost throw up:Puke:
But, don't worry! There are plenty of Japanese food you don't want to eat, even if you're Japanese;)

Oh, yes, I know! I'd tell all the women here who's gonna meet Lord Tim, to bring some yukky Japanase food
so that they can avoid evil hunt which will be done by Tim, hehehe:p
yeahh..that's metal we want to bee...yeahh...!!


-"bangs your head,my frendzz!!!"
Welcome Warroir of Ice!

Maybe it should be "WARRIOR" Of Ice?

Welcome anyway :)

are you an Anime/Manga otaku? What series/artists are you into?

Warrior of Vegemite.
Japanese girls taste like Sushi?

how interesting! with a side of Miso soup perhaps?

Or maybe they taste like Odon noodles!

ahah, ok, we better discontinue this! these girls will be getting offended by now

"stupid males, all you think about is food and sex!"


BUT HEY! it was Yuki who first mentioned "eat what? tight pants? or japanese girls?"



songggg of the damnedddd never endddd
so dont preteyeyenddd
we are condemned
where we standdddd
where we stayyyyyayayayayaynd
Originally posted by Heartless
Japanese girls taste like Sushi?

Not just Japanese girls... You see... Ah, never mind! ;)

ahah, ok, we better discontinue this! these girls will be getting offended by now

"stupid males, all you think about is food and sex!"

Yeah, I agree - it's gotten a bit out of hand now! Sorry, everyone! :)

*giggle* If it's gotten out of hand, what was in my hand before? *tee hee* *ahem* OK, that will do, thank you very much, Lord Tim! :grin:
Behave, guys!!!!!:lol:

Now, Jason's accusing ME for starting this! :bah: Gosh!
You guys are all nuts!:p

Like msanthrope said! "H"!

:confused:But, hey, how many of them understand this word!?!? HAHAHA:grin:

Hi, Worroir of Ice! Hope you're not like the other guys in this thread:muahaha:
all i have to say is



you didnt just cross the line, you totally DESTROYED IT!!!

*points* i think the cybersex message board is over that way somewhere!

What the hell is this "H" stuff :]
explain :)

Tim's gotten "out of hand", i think he needs a "helping hand". any punters? haha
Originally posted by Heartless

What the hell is this "H" stuff :]
explain :)

Tim's gotten "out of hand", i think he needs a "helping hand". any punters? haha

baaad, baaad goregoat ;)!

prolly not from chicks off the board :lol:! they are nice girls!

"H" is the "h" in horny. *i think*. that's what i was told years ago by a fellow student from japan. there's also "sukebe", which mean the same thing. someone please correct me if i'm wrong!