Asian girls...

"Mary-san no hitsuzi, hitsuzi, hitsuzi"



A few words of advice for Lord Tim.....pssst...Use velcro gloves, that way they don't get away as easy. Not speaking from experience or anything, but, you know...


Ok i think this sheep thing has gone too far. This message thread is twisted as hell haha

Well, when Dungeon was in Melbourne last, we were doing in-store signings and things like that. On one show backstage, I had a very "special" signing - part of a body! Can we all guess which part I signed? :grin:

I'm URL Man now because on our lycra girls t-shirts, we have a little web address on the left hand side... Once again, you can guess where it sort of sits! So it's good advertising for and it's good for anyone wanting to look at girls' breasts "No! I wasn't looking at those, I was seeing what the web address was!" HAHAHAHAHA!
Originally posted by Lord Tim

I'm URL Man now because on our lycra girls t-shirts, we have a little web address on the left hand side... Once again, you can guess where it sort of sits! So it's good advertising for and it's good for anyone wanting to look at girls' breasts "No! I wasn't looking at those, I was seeing what the web address was!" HAHAHAHAHA!

I was out shopping wearing the above mentioned shirt and some guy came up to me and started asking all these questions about who or what dungeon is:confused:
LT, haha, thats ace! You da url boobie man!

my ex's were huge ;]

Vampirella, did you tell him" Oh, Dungeon, its the place where I work..." and then make whip cracking noises and winks. And then when they look interested say "piss off, its a band you foo" hehe
you should have seen the 2 gals i lived with in sydney :D

Ami and Mizoha ...

HABA HABA hehehe .... ami and i shared one big thing in coomon ... we loved out VB beer lol ....
that gal can hold her drink i swear lol ... i have her pic on my website actually lol ...
and mizoha had thing for guys with long hair lol .... so i was just in the luck :lol:

But the best thing is that , they are clean , tidy , very open minded , love metal and they make one heck of adesignated driver for when you are too damn drunk to walk anywhere ... they can hold there drink so damn well lol ...

They rule lol .....

Lt you pervert you lol ... i'll give you my japanese vcds if you like :p Next time you're i melbourne lol .... :lol:
hehehe ...

well since i'm going to adelaide Very soon i won't be here most likely to give them to ya ,
so i'll leave them with flic for when you are in melbourne next ... How's that :D

one is jap and the other is a HK dubed one lol so yeah ....

There :D:p

"i changed parts of the message after cause of conflict of intrest between me and flic lol"