About the guitars question lets wait for Matti or Yossi to answer.
As for support, we have a support from the record company that finnance most of our activities, most of us work in a daily Jobs (I run a small distribution, Yossi for Microsoft, Eden for an Inssurance company, Uri manages the only Metal Shop in Israel, Matti studies and Avi is a Drums teacher)
We all learn English and even arabic and french somtimes in School, and a lot goes to University, we learn bible lessions in school but it's very conservative way of learnning.
Creating Mabool, the concept and it's aspects where taken from both mythological stories but also from a true story that hapopend to some friends and we took some parts as inspiration for creating the OL flood story.
The band members comes more or less from the same neiberhoods or cities but most of us have a diffrent roots and thats one of the things that make our music so intresting, we are so diffrent from one another, our mentalities, roots, music tastes, thing is we found harmony and thats one of the greatest massages we carry to people.