Ask The Band Thread

i have lots of questions:
how do you earn money and support your band apart from music?
and what is the education system in Israel like? for example do you learn english at school, are u all graduated from a university? your education system is based on american style or under any tendencies ? do you study literature and history of other countries? is religion is taught at school?
only kobi seems much more into questioning of belief and religion and existance, is it right? in creation of mabool from which channels of academical environment did you get support?
do you have large families? are you coming from different sub cultures in the area of your hometowns?
sorryy if i have asked too much stupid questions :) curiosity kills the cat :))

thanks.. love u all!! :)))
About the guitars question lets wait for Matti or Yossi to answer.

As for support, we have a support from the record company that finnance most of our activities, most of us work in a daily Jobs (I run a small distribution, Yossi for Microsoft, Eden for an Inssurance company, Uri manages the only Metal Shop in Israel, Matti studies and Avi is a Drums teacher)

We all learn English and even arabic and french somtimes in School, and a lot goes to University, we learn bible lessions in school but it's very conservative way of learnning.

Creating Mabool, the concept and it's aspects where taken from both mythological stories but also from a true story that hapopend to some friends and we took some parts as inspiration for creating the OL flood story.

The band members comes more or less from the same neiberhoods or cities but most of us have a diffrent roots and thats one of the things that make our music so intresting, we are so diffrent from one another, our mentalities, roots, music tastes, thing is we found harmony and thats one of the greatest massages we carry to people.
Hi Kobi!

I did read right now a interview that you gave to Rock Brigade magazine, where you talk about the release of a DVD with a full unplugged show. Can you give us more some details?

About the cover art of "El Norra Alila", what is that image that appears on it? Is an abstract image? Would be a distorted image of some buddhist statue or not?

I agree with you about you said about buddhism... Although I´m a Christian born I have great admiration for the the buddhist thought of tolerance and compassion for all living beings... Maybe buddhism be one of the few religions that never start a war...

Cheers and peace,

Melechesh are great! they are good friends.

I like Football and wave surffing and all sports in general (I also used to play Tennis, Basket ball) the only thing that I dont like in sport is Athletic cause Im bad at it!

The DVD is a future plan, it's not in process yet but it's somthing we want to do, I guess we will do it during 2005.

The front of "El Norra Alila" is abstract, it was twisted from a photo of a naked Man and Woman (some Adam and Eve in a way...) and it comes to reflect a liquid light and light and darkness with an abstract way.
What do you think of downloading music? I think its good but it can be exploited. I did discover OL by making a search for Paradise Lost and I found the ultra-cool cover of Mercy. I download a few other songs and then purchased Mabool.
I think that for some it's a good thing and for some it's not.

If there wern't download we wouldn't get all the expossure we got in Arab countries and worldwide, for a band that has where to grow and devalope it's a good thing.
For a band like Metallica who is already known by everyone it will be a bad thing.
From my point of view I think it's ok to have it, but if you liked to music of the band, buy their CD!
We would like to releasae two DVD's one accoustic and 1 Metallic, we want that our movie will be international document, we want to tour the world, to make a living from the band and to release many more albums :)