Asshats Versus the Heir Apparent

well being one of the asshats (as you so call us/me/whatever) have to say that Heir Apparrent has no peaking moments, or even simple/emotional leads over riffs that really grab my attention. The new guiatarists solo is horrible, mike's glass slide solo has no real emotion in it.

This is my criticism. The solo is more or less pointless. Other than that the song is good, and rapes every song from Ghost Reveries.

Oh, and is it that hard to understand that the song's critics are not targeting the aesthetics?
I will say one thing, Heir Apparent has got me alot more stoked about Watershed than when I heard TGC for the first time before Ghost Reveries was released. This new album will be superb. I have no doubts. And my opinion is infallible so there's no point in arguing against it.

nw: if Mike is still using that Open 5th tuning?
I will say one thing, Heir Apparent has got me alot more stoked about Watershed than when I heard TGC for the first time before Ghost Reveries was released. This new album will be superb. I have no doubts. And my opinion is infallible so there's no point in arguing against it.

nw: if Mike is still using that Open 5th tuning?

No, I read an interview with Mikael sometime ago and he said that it was back to standard with the "occasional" dropped D. Im pretty sure Heir is in dropped D too. I wasn't much for the open 5th tuning anyways
Well, dropped D is when you just lower the E string from E to D, D or D standard is when you lower each string a step. Honestly, I dont care either but he was just asking a question so I was answering
^ depends on who you are, and what aspects of the band you are truly a fan of. Obvious example; If MIke's clean singing is what got you into Opeth in the first place then Heir Apparent is not going to be your cup of tea.
^ depends on who you are, and what aspects of the band you are truly a fan of. Obvious example; If MIke's clean singing is what got you into Opeth in the first place then Heir Apparent is not going to be your cup of tea.

If they only like his clean vocals to the point where they dislike every section with growling they probably were already lost as soon as they heard an album that wasn't damnation.
Well some, like me, weren't into growling/harsh vocals UNTIL getting into Opeth. That's one of the many great things about the band. They'll open one's eyes and ears to other forms of music. They've opened mine anyway.

I honestly couldn't make a decission about Heir Apparent until the album is released. I need the full affect with clarity. I'm hoping the album will be a step in a new direction, simply beacause that's what PROGRESSION is all about.:cool:
^Hibernal just didn't know what he was talking about. Weird, I kind of thought he was more musically knowledgeable than that. Maybe he's a keyboardist and doesn't know the axe lingo? Am I remembering that right, Hibernal?
I know the lingo. I just don't see the difference, musically that is, between something "in" D and dropped D. In both of them the lowest note played is D and that's all that matters. It's as irrelevant as playing an A# on the E string 6th fret or on the A string 1st fret.
i dont see why some of you think no one has a right to judge the song because the quality is bad. you can make out all the parts just fine. that said, i think the song is really good, besides the solo. i think the slide solo is awesome though. reminds me of the one in "atom heart mother"
I know the lingo. I just don't see the difference, musically that is, between something "in" D and dropped D. In both of them the lowest note played is D and that's all that matters. It's as irrelevant as playing an A# on the E string 6th fret or on the A string 1st fret.

Its called dropped D becuase one string has been dropped to D whereas as no other strings have been changed from standard. Theres so many different tunings that you need different names to differentiate, as was pointed out regular D tuning would be all the strings have been dropped one tone. In D minor, the strings tuned to the notes of a D minor chord, and so on.
I know the lingo. I just don't see the difference, musically that is, between something "in" D and dropped D. In both of them the lowest note played is D and that's all that matters. It's as irrelevant as playing an A# on the E string 6th fret or on the A string 1st fret.

There's a huge difference in what is playable, the lowest note matters less than the relations between the strings in determining the sound of a song. For example, it just isn't feasible to play some of the riffs from ghost reveries in a drop D or standard D tuning, because of the notes in the arpeggios they let ring out. To play the same thing in D standard would be extremely difficult to finger and wouldn't ring, and they probably never would have come up with the note sequence if they had been playing in a tuning that wasn't encouraging of those particular arpeggios. Even simple Drop D has similar issues, like it's absolutely not possible to play Demon of the Fall or Blackwater Park smoothly in a guitar that's in D-standard tuning, if you played guitar yourself you'd understand but it's hard to explain.

Drop D just lends itself to different playstyles. It lets a guitarist very easily play rapid powerchords, which is why all bad nu-metal and hardcore bands use it.