Asshats Versus the Heir Apparent

The whole tuning purism is fucking awful. You are inventing no new notes by changing the tuning of your instrument. That nu-metal sound that we all hate is ever present in standard E, too.
The thing that makes Opeth so so so so fucking good is that each album is a little bit different to the previous one, which allows them to develop and evolve their sound whilst not alienating most of their fanbase by drastically altering their music.

Think about it, Ghost Reveries sounds nothing like Orchid, but I can't think of any Opeth album (bar Damnation, and arguably MAYH) that is massively different to the album that immediately precedes/procedes it. I think the amount of change and development between each album is perfect, and it means Opeth can make consistently brilliant music, that is always progressing enough to keep things interesting, but retain an individuality and sound that is always their own. The way they develop also means every album has a slightly unique sound and songwriting style that characterises it (such as the dark, evil sound of Deliverance, the progressive, experimental sound of Morningrise, the cold, somewhat desolate feeling of Blackwater Park, the epic, adventurous Still Life etc.) but always sounds like Opeth, so all of the albums are amazing, just with a slightly different feel. From Heir Apparent I think this album [Watershed] will be no different- another fucking solid, but unique addition to the Opeth discography.

I swear to god every time I try and express an opinion about Opeth it turns into a fucking essay!

Oh, and please stop with all the arguing about drop D- it's pretty juvenile and just clutters up the thread.
A guitar is just a tool for making music. There's nothing really sacred about it. It's supposed to be set up in a way that will be easy for you to make music. If there's a way to set it up so that it's easier for you to make your music (within reason, of course), you should do that. Period. Anyone who suggests otherwise is being stubborn and foolish.

Watershed is going to be really interesting. I'm looking forward to hearing its many different directions!
Wankernes, have you start tabbing out Heir apparent??? I hope you did, i can't wait to play this song.
Oh, and please stop with all the arguing about drop D- it's pretty juvenile and just clutters up the thread.

Yes, the level of discourse established in the very thread title was SO high -_-

And no, I don't want to tab it from a crappy youtube video. If someone has the actual source material (avi or mpeg or whatever) of the better quality one around I'll try doing something from that.
I honestly heard it once and I Had enough....It sounded amazing but why Am I gonna listen to a live version of a song I don't even know yet...I'm waiting for the real deal. Cannot Wait! And yes it does sound alot better then the Grand Conjuration samples...
^ agree ...
you guys are all spoiling the experience of the first time you're gonna listen to the record and Heir Apparent. I checked out the bootleg once, without paying too much attention to it, but regret it a bit already. I also like this first listen a lot more than it was with Grand Conjuration. Can't wait for the album, although I still have to wait 'till August.

Furthermore, I honestly don't see how anyone can form such an articulated opinion about this song based on that bootleg ...
Yes, the level of discourse established in the very thread title was SO high -_-

And no, I don't want to tab it from a crappy youtube video. If someone has the actual source material (avi or mpeg or whatever) of the better quality one around I'll try doing something from that.

Hey dude, have you tabbed 'The Herald' yet? Especially the middle bit, you know the bit that makes everyone jizz?
Hey dude, have you tabbed 'The Herald' yet? Especially the middle bit, you know the bit that makes everyone jizz?

Lmao, I tried, but the production doesn't separate the guitars into left and right channels which was making it a gigantic headache and I just said screw it. I might be able to pick out a rough solo version of it by watching the video and only paying attention to some of the album version, but don't hold your breath :p

Every Opeth release takes time to grow on me. No matter how much I like it upon initial listening, it always takes more time to actually seep into my soul, so I could care less what it sounds like now. Its kind of like a really crazy wine that tastes really strong or too unique the first time you sip on it. Usually, you have to have it a few times to develop a taste for it.

I'll wait until I've heard it about 100 times in my pitch black isolation chamber - the ONLY way to experience music.

I don't care how big of a fan you are of any artist, you should NEVER form an expectation. An artists can do whatever the fuck they desire; its their creation. If you don't like it, don't buy into it, or better yet create your own.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;7063345 said:
Only the song "Porcelain heart" is in drop-D tuning. The rest are standard tuning. Glad most of you seem to like the song. Howeever, I can't say the rest of them sounds like this one. I think they're all very different from eachother so it's going to be a love/hate record I guess....well, like all of our Lp's I suppose.


awesome I do really think with Opeth albums with me if I don't like an Opeth tune on first listen I sometimes come back to it and am pleasantly surprised.
Porcelin Heart is amazing :D