Australian Black Metal

Considering that, in spite of some protestations, a fairly broad definition of black metal has obviously prompted the inclusion of some bands already listed and that others mentioned are either defunct, or have as yet done very little, here are some more.

Some of these bands still exist, some do not. Some only recorded demos and/or performed live a few times, others did/are doing more than that.

I don't think any of these bands has been mentioned already, but I didn't bother to check too closely.

Oracle of the Void, The Grand Meeting, Dark Dominion, Anwariad, Impact Winter, Mauristatia, Haar, Beneath the Dying Moon, Empery of Thorns, Infinite Black, Isaacaron, Nocturnal, Anarazel, Urgrund, Antichrist, Dybbuk, Impact Winter, Pagan, Tyrant, Seraphim, Mirk, Varzhaw, Secratain.

The quality of some of these? That is another matter entirely, but I think many of them are worth hearing - unlikely as it is that one could obtain some of these bands' recordings now.
The Pimp NeonBlack said:
Also: Malice are a good Aussie Black Metal band. :rock:

Malice call themselves "War" Metal I believe

they still play songs written by their ex guitarist 5 years ago
and one of the leading members is christian.
Ax said:
Malice call themselves "War" Metal I believe

they still play songs written by their ex guitarist 5 years ago
and one of the leading members is christian.
Hhmmm. . .
Everytime I's have booked Malice, they've described themselves as "Black Metal". Oh, well. Doesn't matter.

And does it matter if one of their members is Christian.
Ya'll would be surprised how many of the World's Leading Black Metallers (well, metallers in generally) are actually Christians.
You don't have to hate God or the Christian faith in order to play Black Metal. There are plenty of other things to hate in this world as well you know?

Plus: Dissension (Wagga) = good Aussie Black Metal! :rock: :kickass:

The Pimp NeonBlack
I only mentioned one member was christian, the fact that he is may or may not affect the bands attitude, it's upto you to decide.

Blackmetal is a hate but not neccessarily against christianity, the majority of the people are against religion but this is probably best discussed elsewhere

Dissension are good (from the little I have heard of them).

Nazxul are still my favourite aussie band.
Battalion have left a mark as well for me.
I find it interesting that someone with Christian beliefs or a Christian outlook would play in a black metal band. As you've pointed out, black metal's attitude (as it's come to be defined since the early 90s) is primarily a hatred, particularly of religion and humanity, or some humanist principles, and therefore a direct contradiction of what Christianity is supposed to represent. I suppose a Christian person could appreciate black metal's musical aspect and even want to play it, but I'd be interested to see how they could reconcile the ideaology of modern BM with their own beliefs. Unless, of course, they chose to make another Horde album. :)
Goreripper said:
I find it interesting that someone with Christian beliefs or a Christian outlook would play in a black metal band. As you've pointed out, black metal's attitude (as it's come to be defined since the early 90s) is primarily a hatred, particularly of religion and humanity, or some humanist principles, and therefore a direct contradiction of what Christianity is supposed to represent. I suppose a Christian person could appreciate black metal's musical aspect and even want to play it, but I'd be interested to see how they could reconcile the ideaology of modern BM with their own beliefs. Unless, of course, they chose to make another Horde album. :)
Actually, it's quite strange, Brian, but there are some pretty "ultra" Christian Black Metal bands out there in the world, mainly underground in Northern and Eastern Europe (the Former Eastern Block Countries mostly). But they don't go on 'bout how much "God loves them and loves you, blah, blah, blah," but rather how much God will "smite our enemies and spill their pagan blood, destroy all for our great race, rah, rah, rah".
Many of the massively "National Socialist" Black Metal band have a huge Christian agenda along those lines and these are the ones that the likes of the Orthodox Churches and the Evanglists tend to ignore because they have similar agendas.
Even scarier is the ammount of Orthodox Jewish National Socialist Black Metal bands currently coming out of Israel and the like. Except these bands tend to have a Zionist agenda and speak of killing Palistines and Christians in the Holy Land to reclaim it it for the "Children of God, etc, etc,". Now, these people fall into same catergory of retardation as all those Pagan and Christian NS bands who say to slaughter the other to "reclaim what is rightfully their's and all that" and shit like that really shouldn't be out there.
Same goes for that pro-Aryan/skinhead bullshit that's floating around! And let's get one thing straight: The only Aryans left in the World are Northern Indians! Not white as fuck people with blond hair and blue eyes!
So, there's a brief lesson into some of the unknown fascits of the International Black Metal scene.
Hope ya'll enjoy, if not, I's really don't give a fuck anyway! :grin: :p
The Pimp NeonBlack
There are also anti-Islamic black metal bands emerging from places like Iran; in any case I wasn't referring to the radical or fundamentalist "wrath of God" type Christians, but your regular Jesus-freak Christians with their "God loves you all" mantras.
Goreripper said:
There are also anti-Islamic black metal bands emerging from places like Iran; in any case I wasn't referring to the radical or fundamentalist "wrath of God" type Christians, but your regular Jesus-freak Christians with their "God loves you all" mantras.
Yeah, there are actually some Jesus-Freak Black Metal bands out there. Mainly hiding in the Bible Belts of America.
As you said before, Gore, some Christians like the instrumentations and general "noise" that Black Metal provides, but can align themselves with their general anti-God/Anti-Christian/Pro-Pagan/Pro-Satan message. So they transform the genre into a completely pussified version, which they generally dub "Light/White Metal" (fucking wankers!).
Mortification pretty much did the same thing when they figured they could make a packet more playing hard stuff for retarded Christian Country Kiddies than your average metal-punter and started playing "Life Metal" instead of Death Metal! They also, at one point, claimed to have started the whole "White/Light Metal" approach to things.

But it is actually funny how big those Christian White and Life Metal bands think they are, just because they get a bunch of kiddies at their massively organised Church gigs and Festivals.
I's had a mate who was doing security/promotional work over in the US a few years ago and he was left in charge of recruiting metal bands for a minor festival on the West Coast. But one of the bands who signed up were a huge Jesus-Freak band (who's name I's don't bother to remember) who turned up to play in all their "Jesus Loves Me" gear and my mate asked "what the hell they thought they were doing?". When the lead singer replied: "We're going to show the love of Christ to all these people and let them know that they don't have to waste their lives on the empty promises of Satan!" and other really hardcore Jebus propoganda. So my's mate just looks at them and says: "If you step out onto that stage, you're in for a world of pain!", to which the lead singer replies: "Are you threatening us?! Because we won't let the likes of you stand in the Way of Our Lord!". At this point, my's mate claimly takes the lead singer aside and show him, through a gap in the stage curtain, over 400 rapid teeanage metal fans, plus at least 100 Old School metallers, all dressed in their most metal attire and ready to destroy the place out of sheer frenzy! Then my's mate says: "I won't have to. These cunts will do it for me!".
It was at this point that the Jesus-Freaks decided to collect a fifth of their promised fee (which wasn't much anyway) and fuck off before any else, including the other bands, decided to sacrifice them to their Gods!

I's always laugh when I's think of that Tale.
The Pimp NeonBlack
In my opinion politics should have nothing to do with blackmetal, I don't mind a "pro-aryan skinhead" playing aryan/pagan/heathen blackmetal, It's generally a stance of hate in which they view their very existance on this earth, naming it something like national socialist black metal and basing it on politics is not quite questioning the points mentioned earlier, I think this is where Blackmetal as we know it has done a backward flip on itself, which is also a reason I have been into it as a raw expression of my hate towards religion, and humanity in general for a few years now and I only care to speak towards these subjects with the people I choose, if you wish to make generalisations im sure it is quite valid to call Blackmetal gay, It is those that know their stance and unite with like minded peoples that makes it a great thing.

Racism is an unintelligent expression of hate towards people different to you.
I know I am of mixed cultures, hate towards other races comes from their overall position in this world, like "african-american" people, they were once slaves, now modernised, their ancient culture had not built great cities, their brief century in a modern society has proved the majority struggle to comprehend the workings of it, and they are usually victims of it.
This is where hate comes from, you are only a lesser person for not being able to explain this.

Thats about all I have to say on the subjects, It is generally my opinion on what Blackmetal is about, That and good fucking extreme metal.
Black metals ideology is against christianty, no two ways about it. Christian black metal or so called White Metal will hurt Christianty more then black metal in the end,as insulting as it is to black metal.
black metal is whatever the fuck you want it to be. i don't understand why every song must have lyrics that are anti-christian to be black metal. darkthrone are definately black metal and not every one of their songs is anti-christian, same as burzum, emperor and mayhem. the times when you had to be a satanist to play blackmetal are quite over. don't think that i don't like satanic black-metal though, because i do, but there is a range of other topics that black-metal can explore and still not deviate from being a black metal band. just look at nazxul or astriaal, for two excellent locals examples.