Australian Idol

Who do you want to win Australian Idol?

  • Shannon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Guy

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Cosima

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
Guy got through first, then before they said who was going through out of Cosima and Shannon (they even went to an ad break before it) they said she had an announcement, and she quit like the quitter she is. There hasn't been such a capitulation since Mal Meninga retired from his political career.

They said there was a difference between second and third of 0.8% or something.
It'd be ironic if she had been the "winner" out of her and Shannon, and then tried to pull this next week... she would have been publicly strung up for chicken out! :lol:

Mind you, I do believe her voice is shot... says alot about the fact that she couldn't handle the pressure of the comp and the stresses of singing so much..... doesn't sound very professional to me really!
Very harsh, you guys, very harsh.......first she was crucified by Guy's cheer squad, er, I mean the judges, and now she has to pull out because of a throat problem.
It would have been the very last thing she would have wanted to do.
There has been a big stink over here about the judges comments last night - it has even been on one of our current affairs programs. Way to go Mark Holden - what a prick.
Spiff said:
We're the most un-metal metalheads around, especially the hardcore Robbie Williams fanbase that dwells here. :)

I've pretty much decided that when I audition next year I'll do "I Still Love You" by Kiss. Now I just have to learn how to sing it.
[color=#aoeooa]Hey I liked Escapology (why do I feel so ashamed? :$)

But the big question I want answered is why didn't Lord Tim compete in Australian Idol? He would have been a shoe-in. And imagine the publicity for the band.[/color]
Poor Cosima, you could tell her voice was wrecked when she did that second song on Sunday night.
You guys really don't understand how much singing two short songs a week can hurt a girl, do you??!! :mad:
You do realise she would have been singing those 2 songs every single day while rehearsing right...
Hmm... Therefore i must say I see flaws in your post im afraid, heres some wood to shore up the sides :)
They all would have been rehearsing and doing public appearances most days of the week - apparently she has had two bouts of flu, which wouldn't help much.
I think it's fairly obvious the judges want Guy to win, some of their comments have been blatantly in support of him.

In actuality, Cosima showed great professionalism by taking it a little easy during her second song, ensuring that her voice would at least make it through the song.........most singers would do the same thing, skip the high notes, etc.
The judges were either incredibly stupid, or didn't care with comments like 'You were scared' and 'You were lost in Guy's performance' could see the contempt in Cosima's eyes for that comment by Holden.
Where'd the "git's" comment come from JBJ? From here, it sounds like everybody (except possibly Sydo) is sticking up for Cosima.

And for what it's worth, I think the judges want Guy to win mainly because he's the best. The few times I've seem Cosima, she's been average, the few times I've seen Shannon he's been friken ordinary.