AVID Pro Tools 10 & new hardware!

It depends on the interface. I noticed that my profire 2626 at 128 buffer has a noticeable latency. RMEs are usually faster and probably you can deal with the latency at 128. Anyway PT9 and PT10 allow also a 64 samples buffer size, that should be pretty nice.
In my case, at 128, when I record bass or guitars I notice the latency and with zero latency I'm way more comfortable.

True dat, RME stuff is king for minimal latency, the Profires are good enough but can't really hope to match the driver efficiency.
Anyway as a PT (still 8.0.4) user I think I'll buy the 10 in the next months...hoping the price goes down a little bit.
Actually the crossgrade price is 499$ = 358€..... BUT Avid is very nice with the europeans (like Apple, that still believe that 1$=1€), sells it for 427€......69€ more than the right change! And it's not some kind of import cost because they sell it digitally.
They have chosen the right name.....Avid!
So oddly enough, I got an email from Avid 4 days ago telling me I qualified for a free upgrade to PT9. I bought PT 8 MP last year and recently installed it when I bought my new mac mini server (fucking smokes btw) and I guess they thought I recently purchased it and the next day sent me authorization for version 9. They said I bought it after some date in 2010 and qualified for a free upgrade. Fucking sweet. I'm pretty stoked. Doesn't get me any closer to affording the upgrade to 10 ATM but I'm pretty happy to be at 9 after running 8 for a couple years.

Anyone else see Metric Halo has Character available in AAX for $199??? That shit is tasty. 20 different preamp models... Could be similar to Heat, wonder if it will sound as good? I had it on the 2d MH interface I had a few years ago but it was static input, no drive or gain control over the staging.
Huh, Avid Support finally responded to the thread (it has 1478 clicks and 38 replies by now) I made, and the issue has been forwarded to the PT programmers. We'll see what they do (if anything). Though I assume this was no decision by the programming team rather than the management.
And Brett, sad news but the CPTK doesn't allow to switch software monitoring off - with PT10 or PT10+CPTK it's the same as PT9+CPTK:
The LLM "feature" works only for Output 1+2 and your plugins get bypassed.
So crazy new features kinda destroys the solid state drive market because it opens the audio files on your session and drops them in the ram so zero latency recording if you have high ram.But also AAX plugins have been around for awhile as far as i know you can connect two computers together and have one just dedicated to running aax plugins as a dsp host on media composer so will this option be available for protools hd native or x users.
Haha, the upgrade from 7HD to 10HD is 2500$!!!!!
it was like 300-400$ or something to upgrade to 9 and another 1k added for the upgrade to 10 would be like 1300-1400$ or something...but they feel they'd just add another 1k just because they like being cunts?
My post at the DUC:

here's mine:

i was just sold a bundle by of PTHD9, HDnative, and Lynx Aurora8 with the ltHD card in August at VintageKing and you are telling me that I now have to pay 1000 to get to HD10 and my interface is already obsolete after that HD10!!! are you freaking kidding me!

Ive been an HD user for 6 years now with my HD2 setup and a Digi user since 1999 this is just rediculous. I've never had a problem paying for an upgrade but when us HD guys dump 5,000.00 and you dont get any consideration other than 30days on an upgrade that just blows.

I hear you man...

I bought my HD PCI some years ago, then Avid didn't support PPC anymore, unfortunately the newer Macs don't have PCI-X Slots, so I had to buy the totally overpriced PCI->PCIe crossgraded so I could update to 9...spent like 3 grand for the crossgrade in July, now I have to spend another 1k just to upgrade to a software that's a dead end anyways, cause my newly aquired PCIe HD system is obsolete already.
I do need the features in PT10, but 1k for an upgrade that's a dead end anyways? And that only 3 months after I spent 3k to get out of the dead end that PCIX was?
I love working in PT and I used to defend that [bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep]ty company wherever I could, but this is going too far, AVID can [bleep][bleep][bleep][bleep]ing suck it!
The folks who steer the ship at Digi/Avid have obviously been confounded for the past half decade or so, but this latest development is something totally different. Someone pulling the strings there has absolutely lost the plot. I don't know why a company would willingly want to alienate such a large, loyal userbase (of which I'm not a part of - but I do respect their turmoil!). This last update is effectively playing catch-up to features which other DAWs have had for the past decade, and demanding a premium upgrade fee from another version barely half a year old - which was coincidentally also simply bringing the DAW up to functioning in a way most users would expect in the 21st century.

Seriously, just baffled. I mean it's obvious someone is screwing that pooch until it needs a wheelchair.
The folks who steer the ship at Digi/Avid have obviously been confounded for the past half decade or so, but this latest development is something totally different. Someone pulling the strings there has absolutely lost the plot. I don't know why a company would willingly want to alienate such a large, loyal userbase (of which I'm not a part of - but I do respect their turmoil!). This last update is effectively playing catch-up to features which other DAWs have had for the past decade, and demanding a premium upgrade fee from another version barely half a year old - which was coincidentally also simply bringing the DAW up to functioning in a way most users would expect in the 21st century.

Seriously, just baffled. I mean it's obvious someone is screwing that pooch until it needs a wheelchair.

The nail, the head....you hit it!
I legitimately feel sorry for PT owners. The rest of the market has just moved on, and totally surpassed them in all ways. PT is no longer the leader it was. It's no longer the most efficient audio editing workspace (even though people claim it still is), it's no longer the go to host for sound quality (even though people claim it still is) and it lacks loads of features that are just piffle these days (even though people claim it doesn't) ... and it has such a stranglehold on the studio market, that no-one dares switch for fear of losing money and time on their commercial projects.

So it isn't just the company that is fucked. The users are fucked too. Because they will defend their choice to the death, even though they've been raped so hard over the years that they are the audio production equivalent of Goatse.

If I had a HD rig, I'd be seriously considering jumping to some Apogee shit and a copy of Logic/Cubase/Studio One/Nuendo right now. You may lose some features... you may have to change your workflow. But fuck the financial butt-pillaging.
Sincerely, I would love to buy PT10 because it has some cool features and it's a big improvement....what I hate is the ridicolous price of the upgrades and the very poor price policy. Working on PT8 I was thinking to jump in the next months but, I'm against that ridicolous desire to suck money to their clients. 499$ for the upgrade are 350€, it's a digital delivery so for what arcane reason should I pay 427 FUCKING € to buy it?
I agree about the whole price tag being overpriced. And I agree event more with the HD TDM to HDX upgrade price being just PITA for people doing music production.
But I don't think Avid alienate such a large, loyal user-base. Biggest Avid user (and buyer) are post house studio. And with new HDX, Avid just delivered what post house requested. HDX is perfect product for a post house like Skywalker for example.
Infortunatly I'm myself in the music production camp, so I can buy for up to 12k euros of gear righ now...
For those of you bitching about the $ to € difference, just get your digital delivery upgrades from Sweetwater or such. AFAIK, US shops display their equivalent of VAT (sales tax?) differently (or not at all, maybe the US citizens would like to clarify this?).

And keep in mind, if you run a legit business (in the EU at least), you can deduct the VAT from the price. If I wanted to upgrade from PT 8 M-Powered to PT10, it would end up costing 347,15€, which is actually 10€ less than the straight USD->EUR conversion.