lol....I would be the last person in this world to not think for themself! You are once again being elitist here saying that a concept story must require some kind of deep meditative thought to be good. Also, I don't recall myself talking about preference of topic either rather I was talking about preference of story style. What I was saying was that neither style of storytelling is better than the other except in a person's opinion, which you made clear that Ayreon's style is inferior at a level higher than your own opinion. I feel like I am repeating myself, are you sure I am the one here who is the bad reader?
Oh, and I find it sad that you are so uncomfortable with yourself that you feel insulted being "spoonfed" information. Yes, Arjen is doing this because he thinks everyone else in the world are retards with no attention span, you caught him! Ayreon lyrics are a little cheesy but that is kind of the purpose, Ayreon albums are really more for "fun" and not meant to enlighten the world to the ultimate truth of the universe. I mean come on, Arjen is a huge fan of old cheesy sci-fi movies and shows, what do you expect really?
Next, there is a little similarity between the storis of the two albums, but really not much. It is really only the use of the idea that technology leads humanity to a tragic end that is similar between the two. Even that one similar idea is used a bit differently between the two albums. In "BE", "god" is no more than a human so technologically advanced he/she has the power to create other humans to study their existence in order to try and figure out the truth of the world and existence. It is centered around Earth being a monural macrocosim of its own. In the story presented in Ayreon, there are multiple planets and dimensions which make a center focal planet no more than a microcosm. The biggest difference is that with "BE" there are a LOT of other topics being discussed than just the advance of technology. Theories in linguistics, environmental humanities, and feminism among other things. You may have to delve deeper in "BE" to find these things but they along with other things are all there. For someone who likes things that require him to think for himself you sure didn't pick up on at least half of the message presented on the album!
Yes, I am enjoying 01011001 very much, thank you! It is so nice that I can be comfortable enough with myself that I can enjoy "spoonfed" entertainment while still maintaining my idealistic level of personality.
Oh, and don't forget, you are the best person here dude! We can't conted with your ultimate knowledge