Oh fuck me for criticizing music. I suppose you, symphonyXjapan, are a massive Ayreon fan, and personally offended by my criticism of the music. So don't read the rest of this post.
My review: The 102 Minute EP
I want Arjen to do better. I expect more from him and his parade of all-stars than what he churns out, which is a double album with 3 or less passable tracks. (This comment goes for Universal Migrator, Human Equation, and 01011001). Their talents and his are wasted on this music. It's often-generic recycled prog riffage with amazing vocal performances... of the worst lyrics ever written.
The concept of 01011001 is a watered down, childish version of PoS - BE. Unlike BE, it doesn't address deeper concerns or present its message subtly and tactfully. Instead it bashes you over the head with it, and with lyrics that are so poorly conceived that they hardly seem serious at all. Also unlike BE, which was highly erratic in genre, 01011001 by stark contrast is nearly as same-ish as a Dragonforce Box Set. It won't offend anybody or spark controversy like BE, but then again it won't do much of anything.
For an album boasting the talents of so many musicians and vocalists, it is a severe letdown. There are no memorable riffs, and the vocals, although powerfully delivered, fall short because the words sung are so awful that the listener makes an effort not to understand them. The songs, though each is of epic length, have nothing of epic majesty to them, and appear to drag on far too long. For all the hoopla about guest vocalists and musicians (I heard nothing memorable on the album from Romeo or Sherinian), the hype was overrated in the greatest sense. None but Jonas Renkse really stand out. His performances, sprinkled throughout, and his grande finale (the only track on which he growls) are the only parts of the album that caught my interest. The rest of it was just passive music.
Arjen could have saved himself time and money and just condensed all of this down to an EP or a Single like Avantasia - Lost In Space. At least that was only 4 minutes long and got to the punch asap. It was listenable. This is the 2 hour version of that 4 minute track, ala Ayreon style. It should also be noted that there are no differences musically or conceptually between the two discs. The monotonous story trudges on as ever, on and on, on and on. While the discs may be labeled "Earth" and "Y" and the graphics represent Earth and a futuristic mechanized world, no delineation is made in the music.
Rating: 1 out of 5