Bah at you all!


Cold Forged
Oct 26, 2004
Stop hijacking everyone's threads to whine about how you won't be buying the new album!

Who are you to tell MJR and the others what they can and can't write? It's their band, not yours. Go cry elsewhere.

If I posted about every single metal album I don't like then my post count would be about 20,000,000 instead of whatever it is now. But I don't, because I know that OTHER people like the music, as they are totally entitled to be, and if the bands want to sound that way then let them!

It's not like we're talking about Lady Gaga or Linkin Park here.
I agree with that, people want ten times a V or Divine wings album
I don´t.

Hail SX!
Stop hijacking everyone's threads to whine about how you won't be buying the new album!

Who are you to tell MJR and the others what they can and can't write? It's their band, not yours. Go cry elsewhere.

If I posted about every single metal album I don't like then my post count would be about 20,000,000 instead of whatever it is now. But I don't, because I know that OTHER people like the music, as they are totally entitled to be, and if the bands want to sound that way then let them!

It's not like we're talking about Lady Gaga or Linkin Park here.

I think its a matter of accepting the fact that everything changes and SymX is no exception. I heard an interview with Russell and he said something like "once you start saying 'this is what we do and thats lose''. Maybe they are trying to incorporate a different mood in their stuff. I am not a fan of the growl thing and wish he wouldnt do that but I try to look beyond it. thats my .02
Hijacking with opinions relevant to the discussion at hand? Perhaps you just can't handle people with differing opinions, David.

It may be "their" band but this is a fan forum, so pretty much all posts are from fans. Who have differing opinions. It's their band, not yours... so what's your deal, man? Enjoy the music and get over yourself.
Agreed and glad that Symphony Xs style has changed. But was this topic really necessary? No one would go on the forum if everyone had the same opinion. And i dont see THAT many people complaining. You want to see a flood of whiners, check out 90% of the video game forums.
Hijacking with opinions relevant to the discussion at hand? Perhaps you just can't handle people with differing opinions, David.

It may be "their" band but this is a fan forum, so pretty much all posts are from fans. Who have differing opinions. It's their band, not yours... so what's your deal, man? Enjoy the music and get over yourself.

Missed the point much?

I am talking about people hijacking threads to whine about how they don't like the new album. We get it, you don't like the music. Doesn't mean you have to tell us how much you don't like it at every opportunity.

It's the whining that goes on here which is the reason I almost never visit, and when I do it's only a few times in a short period of time. I'm sure many other people feel the same way. I have to listen to enough whining at work.
Nobody is saying he can't "handle" their opinions. He's talking about people derailing threads to voice their opinions on the new album. Look at the thread about the album shippping out in the US, it has nothing to do with the quality of the album yet someone chimes in almost immediately about it. Just because this is a forum for Symphony X does not give you license to turn every thread, regardless of subject, into a place to voice your discontent with the new album. There are rules in place for a reason, yet people seem to enjoy disrespecting them to continually air their grievances, which have already been heard many times.

If you want to make your own thread, go right ahead. Just keep it out of discussions where it's irrelevant. I think that's the essence of what he's saying.
Then stop whining about people whining. Like I said... if you can't handle differing opinions.
This is true, but it really is fucking annoying to see the same people bitching about the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and OVER again. I'm sure quite a few of these people are intentionally attempting to derail threads. Why else would they come out of nowhere with their grief spam on any, ANY thread?
This is true, but it really is fucking annoying to see the same people bitching about the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and OVER again. I'm sure quite a few of these people are intentionally attempting to derail threads. Why else would they come out of nowhere with their grief spam on any, ANY thread?

You're right, but the Turisas' guy is persistent! lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
It looks like some people really can't stand any negative critic to the band AT ALL. There were some, but a lot of people liked it too. It appears these ones didn't take their time on the details, just went like "it's killer" "i liked" "it's their best", while the majority criticizing negatively tried to explain what troubled them. And there was also some posts saying "it's good but not their best", wich resumes almost every person that said the lyrics were shitty.

I really don't get it. Reading that someone lost their passion with the new album doesn't change my passion for the band not even a little. I just think it's worst to them, expecting something good and being ear-raped. Too bad for them, I like the new album, they don't, lifes go on.
Nobody is saying he can't "handle" their opinions. He's talking about people derailing threads to voice their opinions on the new album. Look at the thread about the album shippping out in the US, it has nothing to do with the quality of the album yet someone chimes in almost immediately about it. Just because this is a forum for Symphony X does not give you license to turn every thread, regardless of subject, into a place to voice your discontent with the new album. There are rules in place for a reason, yet people seem to enjoy disrespecting them to continually air their grievances, which have already been heard many times.

If you want to make your own thread, go right ahead. Just keep it out of discussions where it's irrelevant. I think that's the essence of what he's saying.


Thank you.
Hijacking with opinions relevant to the discussion at hand? Perhaps you just can't handle people with differing opinions, David.

It may be "their" band but this is a fan forum, so pretty much all posts are from fans. Who have differing opinions. It's their band, not yours... so what's your deal, man? Enjoy the music and get over yourself.

This. I think the TS's attitude is far worse than the people who are just honestly giving their 2 cents about an album they paid for. If you liked the album, great, if you hated it, great. I hate how we are all supposed to kiss SX's ass for everything and if we say even something remotely negative about them, we get a bitchy response like this thread. TS, pull up your skirt and pass the blunt to the man on the left.
^ Some people are not even capable of producing a proper opinion, or don't even bother to. They just say something like "I'm not going to buy the album", or "I'm not going to listen to the album".

Some others say it's plain bad music and that the band sold out, etc. stating it not as their opinion but as a fact. They keep repeating this stuff over and over and over again. It is beyond just "disagreeing" or having a different opinion (there are posters such as Detective who aren't too crazy about this album and yet their opinions are most respectable), it's about being trollish, ungrateful and disrespectful to the band in its own official forum. They're not fans, they just demand the music they want to hear from the band, and when they don't get it they simply bash the band, even if the music is still excellently made and better than most of the stuff out there. If someone disagrees with this last statement then I challenge you to write, record, and post a song that is half as good as the worst song on Iconoclast. That's right. You can't, punk. :Smokedev:
This. I think the TS's attitude is far worse than the people who are just honestly giving their 2 cents about an album they paid for. If you liked the album, great, if you hated it, great. I hate how we are all supposed to kiss SX's ass for everything and if we say even something remotely negative about them, we get a bitchy response like this thread. TS, pull up your skirt and pass the blunt to the man on the left.

Another sad clown, totally missing the point.

Maybe you people should learn how to read, or at least stop trying to pretend that appearing smart on the Internet actually makes you smart. Because then you look dumb when you obviously haven't been paying attention.
It's the whining that goes on here which is the reason I almost never visit

Another sad clown, totally missing the point.

Maybe you people should learn how to read, or at least stop trying to pretend that appearing smart on the Internet actually makes you smart. Because then you look dumb when you obviously haven't been paying attention.

Well, then maybe this forum isn't for you. No one is forcing you to come on here and read all the discussions. We are all entitled to our own opinions. If I want to make a 1,000 word rant about how the new album sucks, who's gonna stop me? You? You really think this thread you made is going to stop trolls? Yeah right!

And I did read every comment on this thread twice before responding and you come off as a whiny 13 year old girl who didn't get a pony for her birthday. If you don't like this forum, then gtfo.
Another sad clown, totally missing the point.

Maybe you people should learn how to read, or at least stop trying to pretend that appearing smart on the Internet actually makes you smart. Because then you look dumb when you obviously haven't been paying attention.


Sounds like the theme of a song that could be on Iconoclast! :p