OK, the first band I have recorded. I tracked the drums at another studio, got some pictures that Ill upload, Used a D6 on the Kick, D1 on the snare-top, Rode NT1-A snare-bottom, D2's and D4's on the toms, SE3's for overheads, Blue Baby Bottle for Hats, and a Neumann TLM103 for an ambience mic. Had trouble moving the clicks over from Nuendo to Logic, so we ended up having to track without a click. As far as the guitars go, Im not entirely happy with the performances, but they were the best we could do in the given time. Guitars were PodXT in the end, they were happier with the sound of this than using the JMP-1. They tracked them with my ESP with an 85 in the bridge. Bass is a 'Peavey Fury' DI'ed and also played through the PodXT. Vocals are a 57 with a pop-shield, into a Presonus TubePre.
Let me know what you think -
Cannot Be - Soundclick
Cannot Be - Yousendit
EDIT: Changed Mix Slightly Cannot Be Mix 2 - Soundclick
Let me know what you think -
Cannot Be - Soundclick
Cannot Be - Yousendit
EDIT: Changed Mix Slightly Cannot Be Mix 2 - Soundclick