Band I Have Been Recording

OK, the first band I have recorded. I tracked the drums at another studio, got some pictures that Ill upload, Used a D6 on the Kick, D1 on the snare-top, Rode NT1-A snare-bottom, D2's and D4's on the toms, SE3's for overheads, Blue Baby Bottle for Hats, and a Neumann TLM103 for an ambience mic. Had trouble moving the clicks over from Nuendo to Logic, so we ended up having to track without a click. As far as the guitars go, Im not entirely happy with the performances, but they were the best we could do in the given time. Guitars were PodXT in the end, they were happier with the sound of this than using the JMP-1. They tracked them with my ESP with an 85 in the bridge. Bass is a 'Peavey Fury' DI'ed and also played through the PodXT. Vocals are a 57 with a pop-shield, into a Presonus TubePre.

Let me know what you think -

Cannot Be - Soundclick

Cannot Be - Yousendit

EDIT: Changed Mix Slightly Cannot Be Mix 2 - Soundclick


The vocals are super loud while the guitars (xept the lead) and the bass are a bit quiet... The sound quality seems rather good (as far as I can tell).
Cheers, thats the kind of feedback I'm after, I haven't had the chance or the resources to test it out on other speakers. I have somewhat of a habit of putting the vocals up too high. Ill fix that up, but Im reluctant to put the bass too far up, due to the player being really awful. May have to use the AJFA trick haha....
A good trick: always check the mix at very low level, then you'll instantly hear what jump out of it.
rats, cant listen for some reason at the moment- dead link... (soundclick seems to be down) will try again shortly! Im with burny an CJWall on this one- it works very well. I also walk around my house and that seems to help too lol!
Machinated said:
Cheers for the tip, never heard of that trick, Ill have to start using it. Kev - Im 'yousendit'-ing it at the moment, Ill stick a link in the original post in a sec.

awesome, looking forward to it :) In fact... downloading now. Ooo, soundclick is back too. And there is an icecream van going down the road whilst i listen! LOL. Hmm, i should say the vocal is a touch loud. Sometimes like thefyn said i reckon perhaps its *ice cream van has parked outside with its fucking tune on* hard to know whether to blame the performer or the mixer etc. I think the vocal does lack a bit of sparkle for sure. Is it too dry? It seems unattached from the song itself if you get me, a problem which i think i'll be encountering when i try a vocal oneday. Could verb sort this out- spread the vocal out a bit (but only a touch) Nice guitar solo :)

agree with earlier comments.....vox stick out like dogs bollocks compared to the rest of the mix. Guitars could use some punchiness and can't hear too much of the bass. If he's that bad, maybe worth editing the track and lining up the notes with the kick drum as best as possible. A nice first tracking effort considering the source :) Practice, practice, practice....
Yeah voxs need to come down. I can tell the guitars are lacking something to but can't tell if thats because the the bass is all but gone.

Edit: Just seen you used the POD. Its very noticable. The guitars lack strength.

All and all not bad though.
agreed with everyone else on volumes. and i also think it lacks a certain "sparkle" like thefyn said. vocals themselves didn't do it for me (weren't dynamic enough), but that was the singer, not the recording. kick did sound a bit punchy and the snare sounded a bit dull.

just my opinion.
Cheers guys, thanks for the opinions and tips. I completely agree about the guitars, bass and vocals and lack of sparkle. I think there is only so much I can do with guitars and bass - putting them any higher gives away the poor performances. Vocals are definately too loud, and were also very sibelent. I have fixed that since though. I wasn't too sure on the snare sound, I don't think its terrible, but I think it needs more of a top end bite to it.

FWIW, the kick drum is the original mixed with a D4 sample, and a tiny bit of Andy's. The snare is the original mixed with 2 different D4 snares.
what are these d4 samples you speaK OF???

I think the song sounds pretty good maybe its just my speakers but i though all sounded, well i am a rook though too :rock: