
About Falkenbach: I always wondered about him being Icelandic... what the hel should make him move to Düsseldorf??? Well, it's a little misunderstanding, he cleared it himself, he isn't Icelandic, just German :) And he looks quite normal! The first time I've seen him (he was selling the new Menhir Album himself when we went to see them in Berlin) I didn't know it was him!

He stated that he wants to perform LIVE :) Needs to get some guest musiciams, tho , to do so :)
Originally posted by Thanatos
it's funny that every tr00 black metal band logo must be unreadable :lol:

Agree! I think Fenriz should consider this as the new Darkthrone logo...

Originally posted by Lordenlil
grrrrr :mad: I told u before Blackspirit and now I'm doing it again:


Why is it that that pic doesn't scare me even one bit?
Might it be cause you're not tr00 enough? Just askin' >:oP
Maybe there's not enough kittens in that pic! Better do a
nastier job next time!

OooUUUuuuoooooh! You're so jolly >:o) Cute little man!

Well, I know u wet your panties the first time u saw it.
I am very cute, but hardly a little man... he he

All in all it looks cool. I like the details, but I'm not that impressed
by the bent logo in the back... makes me think too much about
a simple Photoshop effect.. Work a little more on it, and it'll be good.