Bands/albums you want to like, for some reason


Jan 16, 2007
Arizona, USA
I started thinking about this recently, and something V5 said showed me that I am not alone in this.

What are some albums and/or bands you have wanted to like, before ever hearing them?

I know reading a review can make you want to HEAR a band, but for me there are some things that make me want to LIKE certain bands.

Things like:
Band name
Album name
Coutry of origin
So people will think I'm cool :cool:

Also, how has it turned out for you? Did you like them? Did you not?
Waltari - Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! Death Metal Symphony in Deep C

The album name is just amazing, and the album art is pretty cool. I got this CD years ago and wanted to like it, but never ended up getting into it. I held on to it for years before selling it off. I was sad to see it go, even though I never really liked it.
Celtic Frost - Monotheist

Early Celtic Frost is essential and great, and most of the people on here with good taste find Monotheist great as well. It seemed like an album I should like, and I wanted to like it. I listened to it several times, trying to like it. But I could just never get into it.
If there's a band I want to hear, I can usually hear their music through Myspace. If they don't have one, I try samples on their website. If that fails, then I'm out of luck and will only buy the album if I truly feel it will be worth my money based on recommendations or comparative merit.
I'm sure there are more but I can only think of a couple right now. First of course was Burzum because of the church burnings and etc., and I didn't like it/him at first but after a while Burzum became one of my all-time favorites once I started to understand the music more and get more into that kind of style.

Also there's System of a Down. I wish I loved them because I think they're one of the coolest bands ever. Yep, say what you want, but they impress the hell out of me. Their lyrics are simultaneously hilarious and meaningful, while the vocals are as epic as Hell; almost mocking themselves but managing to say childish things with the conviction of an authority. And the riffs are pretty sick at times. But as much as I WANT to love them, I can't really enjoy them taht much. I do like them but for me they are like Slayer -- a band I very deeply respect and admire but one I only enjoy listening to a couple of songs at a time.
Celtic Frost - Monotheist

Early Celtic Frost is essential and great, and most of the people on here with good taste find Monotheist great as well. It seemed like an album I should like, and I wanted to like it. I listened to it several times, trying to like it. But I could just never get into it.

Well that's understandable, since that album sounds like an entirely different band altogether. It's not really as creative as the early stuff either.
This is basically every cd I download/buy for a blind buy...if something looks cool I want to like it but not always the case
Haha, I remember that I bought Death Cult Armageddon years ago when I was in middle school. This was way before I was really into metal. I got it because I thought it would have an epic sound, based on the song titles. Which it does; but I couldn't stand the harsh vocals. Fortunately my tastes have matured since then.

Another band I want to like is Summoning; but I can't seem to enjoy it when I listen to them. Part of it is definitely the production/sound. As soon as possible I'm going to give Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame a try, based on Zeph's recommendation.
Haha, I remember that I bought Death Cult Armageddon years ago when I was in middle school. This was way before I was really into metal. I got it because I thought it would have an epic sound, based on the song titles. Which it does; but I couldn't stand the harsh vocals. Fortunately my tastes have matured since then.

"Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" and Opeth's "Demon of the Fall" were the first two extreme metal songs I ever heard. It was just before I started high school that I happened to download these two songs. Not sure which one I heard first. It wasn't until after two years that I bought an album by either band.
i tried very hard to get into later pantera. i listened to it constantly and what not yet, it never caught up. the only album i truly enjoy by them is cowboys for hell.

also dark funerals secrets of the black arts. i tried but i could only get into shadows over transilvania
I really wanted to like Bal-Sagoth - Starfire Burning over the Ice-Veiled Throne on Ultima-Thule because of the cool, long album and song titles. But they just had to play gay metal.

Right now I got a CD by Atrophia Red Sun. I love that name. I hope I like it. It showed some promise first time through.
"Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" and Opeth's "Demon of the Fall" were the first two extreme metal songs I ever heard. It was just before I started high school that I happened to download these two songs. Not sure which one I heard first. It wasn't until after two years that I bought an album by either band.

Ha, that's cool. Yeah, Dimmu is definitely one of the most accessible bands to start getting into extreme metal with, even if it does take some time.

I forgot that that album was released in '03. I couldn't have been in middle school. It was high school, but I didn't start to really like metal until my senior year, and even then it took me a while to get into harsh vocals. The first metal bands I listened to (other than mainstream bands such as Metallica) were Kamelot, Blind Guardian, Nightwish, Sonata Arctica and stuff life that. I rarely listen to those bands anymore, and I can barely stand Sonata Arctica anymore. I still enjoy Kamelot, Blind Guardian and Nightwish once in a while. I definitely think that bands like that have their place, but eventually it's time to move on. This forum has helped me a lot with that, fortunately. :cool:
i seriously tried to like borknagar and i even got myself geared up for just fun symphonic epic metal and tried not to think about black metal while listening to them but it didn't work. gayest band ever. i'd rather listen to therion or almost anything else.
I really wanted ,and still do want, to like Nile because of thier Egyptian themes. I've tried coutless times to like them, actually. I just can't get into them because I can only pick up a few of the lyrics in any given one of thier songs.
idk...I've been trying to get into slam death recently, but i dunno if that applies's working. So now I like slam death.
I've been trying to get into some kvlt black and folk metal as well, and it's not working.
Also, my life would be way easier if I liked metalcore.
I should start, though.
I look at Zeph's blog on occasion (only when he mentions it and I remember it's existence).
I find that a band with a good name and logo or really any of the aesthetic peripherals that comes along with music I will give more of a chance to.

As for bands that I have wanted to get into but could not I guess that would be stuff like Drudkh and Enslaved. Two bands I can tell are good, it's just that the folk elements really throw me off.