I shall give you £1 for it.
Wagner, Beethoven, Huldreslat (and amazing folk band) or if you are looking for something more metalhead you could use Burzum, Rivendell, Falkenbach, Equilibrium, Manowar, Summoning, Skiltron, Za Frûmi, Satyricon or the soundtracks from the Lord Of The Rings, Braveheart, Dark Kingdom (Der Ring des Nibelungen), Willow or even from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I think any of these should fit good.Do you lot know any good bands/ensembles that play sort of ambient/background music, with a viking theme, of course?
make it £2 and its ur's u going northamton gig on the 1st?![]()
not soo viking though thuringian pagan "metal": menhir and odroerir. not heavy, rather background (IMO). german bands, consisting of some shared members. but not everyone's cup of tea.
besides this maybe haggard, though i really dont like that band anymore. some orchestral, ambient, medieval etc-blabla-thing.
GmT-Curwen said:Wagner, Beethoven, Huldreslat (and amazing folk band) or if you are looking for something more metalhead you could use Burzum, Rivendell, Falkenbach, Equilibrium, Manowar, Summoning, Skiltron, Za Frûmi, Satyricon or the soundtracks from the Lord Of The Rings, Braveheart, Dark Kingdom (Der Ring des Nibelungen), Willow or even from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I think any of these should fit good.
Damn were they bad with Maiden!
Dont be an idiot. You know and I know that the music industry is rolling in cash. The whole "they cant afford to continue" will happen when hell freezes over. Im doing them a favour, so they cant afford to be drug addicts and spend half of their career in rehab.![]()
Dont be an idiot. You know and I know that the music industry is rolling in cash. The whole "they cant afford to continue" will happen when hell freezes over. Im doing them a favour, so they cant afford to be drug addicts and spend half of their career in rehab.![]()