bands posting guitar pro songs on their myspace as a song

:lol: I can see that conversation going something like this;

Producer: I see you just sent me Guitar Pro files and the MIDI of each part. Is this just for me to have on reference for the recording session?

Band: No, we need to mix that into a tight track to put up on Myspace. I mean, they have some sort of virtual instrument distortion guitar thing don't they? And you have a drum sample library right? Just run the MIDI thru those and I we can lay down the vocals with this Radio Shack mic and send you those files. We'd love to recording it live, but we're kind of all broke and really don't have our own instruments. We hope to get some shows soon and just borrow the others bands instruments.

Producer: Wait!? What?! Do you guys even have any money to pay for my services?

Band: Oh, we thought since it was just MIDI files and stuff and not us actually playing it, it would be really cheap and not cost much.

Producer: .........*deep sigh*.....*mumbles*, dudes, I would love to do this, but I gotta go to the moon this weekend and record some shit up there. Maybe when I get back I can tackle this.

Band: Wait..the moon? Huh?

Producer: *hangs up*


Seriously.. I write in guitar pro and practice along to it.. if I can't play it, I change it.. but it is a great tool.. makes mapping out click tempos easy as fuck when it comes time to record for real and it's lovely to be able to run the speed trainer for faster licks that I might be having a problem with...

I write songs with guitar pro all the time, but having it written doesn't always mean the band knows the song, it only means preproduction will be a breeze. And that isn't the point is


Who can't see what's wrong in that?? It sounds like utter shit, and they didn't even play on it. Guitar pro tabs are for the band to write and practice, to use for tempo maps and midi drums for preproductions, not for publicly advertising your band
I write songs with guitar pro all the time, but having it written doesn't always mean the band knows the song, it only means preproduction will be a breeze. And that isn't the point is


Who can't see what's wrong in that?? It sounds like utter shit, and they didn't even play on it. Guitar pro tabs are for the band to write and practice, to use for tempo maps and midi drums for preproductions, not for publicly advertising your band

+1 I agree with that 100%.. a mic in the room during practice is better than that shit...

sounds like guitar pro or something similar
are you fucking serious?!?!?!?!

whats even worse is I had a kid who was writing his lyrics using Tab it or guitar pro and it would drive me nuts. I would ask him what the next melody line would be and he would try to get to the spot of midi in the Tab it file. Finally, I just shut his macbook pro and said "just fucking sing it". I then realized why Tab it was needed.
Well, the sad thing is that lots of young bands compose stuff in guitar pro and can't play their shit even close. Then they show me their gp5 files and in most cases the riffs are unplayable, because they were composed without the instrument in hands.
I often compose stuff in the score editor but It never comes to programming riffs that are not playable in the end.

It makes sense to play shit within your ability, and then later transcribe it to Guitar Pro so you can sort out the structure, tempo/s etc
Every fifth metal band wants to "out-tech" each other these days, as if somehow it means the music will automatically be better, when 90 per cent of the time it will just sound like barely musical shit, and sound even worse when they can't play it properly.
Hey, I'm David Shearman, the vocalist of the band in question Event Horizon.
What is the problem here exactly? we never claimed this to be anything except a sampled gp file to show our friends and other musicians the music we want to play before getting the chance to record it.
when commenting on peoples profiles asking them to listen our exact words have been "it's only sampled instruments at the moment" and "we are hoping to record a REAL demo early next year"
this is and always was intended to be a temporary thing.
1. Some forumsters need to loosen up a bit, or they will get a brain tumor in near future.
2. David needs to understand that this forum is FOCUSED on getting EXCELLENT metal sound, so hearing GP midi "examples" can negatively affect "sound aestethics" part of our brains.

Smile, be happy, make love not war... etc etc.
2. David needs to understand that this forum is FOCUSED on getting EXCELLENT metal sound, so hearing GP midi "examples" can negatively affect "sound aestethics" part of our brains.

i understand the purpose of this forum, we didnt post the track to here but to our myspace, one of our guitarist found this forum while browsing.
like i said we just put it up to give people an idea of what we wanted to do and we dont see a problem with it as we specifically said that it was only sampled instruments

and thanks for the welcome :)
Hey David, it's cool that you actually come in here and defend your point, that's what discussion forums are for and it only makes it better when it turns into a healthy discussion and not just a one-sided critique.

My opinion (if you care of course, Im only posting it cause you asked what the problem was) is that so many people nowadays suffer from the "desperate to have a band syndrome" so they feel the inescapable urge to make a myspace profile, make up a bio and upload some music the first second they decide on a name. And I honestly believe this is very bad for the band.

90% of the people who visit your profile (this includes concert organizers and labels) will only go by it once. The first time a person checks your profile is of the utmost importance if you want that person to give a fuck about your music EVER AGAIN. when a big label guy gets an add from you, he will probably go in and the first song in your player will launch. When he hears a midi song (or a guitar only demo, or a terrible rehearsal recording) he will immediately dissmiss it. There went your chance to go big. No, posting a blog saying "hey real demo is up, now come and listen!" will NOT make him go back, your chance already faded away. On the other hand, if you wait to have a well recorded demo then there's a chance whoever goes in the profile is genuinely impressed and will go out of his way to keep track of the band and be on the lookout for album, shows, etc.

I've seen way too many cases of these "desperate-to-be" bands, and it just isn't good at all for the band. If your first release sucks, nobody will care about the second one. If your first release is good and catches attention, people will be awaiting the next one. And Your first release, is a guitarpro tab.

If you wanted to "show your friends the songs" you should just send them to them privately, not publicly unveil your compositions in the terrible state of a midi, it just leaves your music completely out of context and lifeless.

I am a firm believer that production is not an additional to composition, but that the production/mix of a song makes up the very core of the song and can completely change the feel of it, even if it's still the same notes being played. Even though your songs can suggest how good you "could" sound, no one can really hear your band's music through that.

This is entirely my opinion of course, so take it with a grain of salt
“found out some people have not understood the purpose of the sampled track on our profile, please read the blog for our side of the story”
4 hours ago

The problem is not that people have not understood the purpose, the problem is that we still think you're fucking idiots for it.
“found out some people have not understood the purpose of the sampled track on our profile, please read the blog for our side of the story”
4 hours ago

The problem is not that people have not understood the purpose, the problem is that we still think you're fucking idiots for it.

Yeah, some people seem to think that by saying "hey it sounds like shit but here's our demo" it actually makes the shit demo worth anything, but it isn't. No excuse is good for a shitty demo, it just SHOULD NOT be shitty. And Gp is cataloged as shity anywhere, it's a tool for songwriting and preproduction, not for promoting your band

if you were trying for a football team would you come in saying "well I know what I gotta do but Im out of form right now, Ill play anyways and let you know when Im in form so you call me again ok?"

no you wouldn't, you would wait until you are actually READY and then go for it
“found out some people have not understood the purpose of the sampled track on our profile, please read the blog for our side of the story”
4 hours ago

The problem is not that people have not understood the purpose, the problem is that we still think you're fucking idiots for it.

Thank you!

And a big +1 to what dan said. I happen to be one of these label guys, and get sent ALOT of stuff of varying degrees of quality from all over the world on a daily basis. A guitar pro file certainly doesn't aid your chances.

In fact, did a sneapster recently record a Swedish hardcore band called anchors? It was awesome!
first of all thankyou DanLights for actually voicing your opinion in a reasonable manor, i completely understand what you are trying to say, i have left bands in the past because i felt other members had that "hey if we start a band that will make us cool" attitude.
also i get what you are saying about making a good first impression but I personally don't see that to be much of a problem, it doesn't affect us if people don't like our music and we have no real interest in getting signed to a major label, we just want to play some shows and express ourselves.
so far we have had some very positive response from other musicians who have had great influence on us and a lot of people seem generally exited to hear us bring out a demo.

to amarshism, let me start off by saying i am a fan of your band and because of that your opinion does matter to me but if you had a problem with us why go and create a forum on it rather than actually talking to us and explaining your point.

and GarethSE, "go kill yourselves"... you just proved that you are nothing but another "keyboard warrior" who's opinion is of no importance, keep pretending that you are some sort of elitist/purist metalhead if it makes you feel better but no one really cares