bands posting guitar pro songs on their myspace as a song

Add bot I presume. Also most profiles now auto-accept friend request. So you almost never have be on myspace to get a million friends. This I believe is stupid, but whatever

HAHAHAA who the fuck is this , this guy seriously looks like a cartoon character:lol:
Hey Loren, if everything you will ever post from now on is "you are immature because you care" then might as well stop posting altogether I think. This is a discussion forum, it's meant to have discussions, if you're every comment will be "why the fuck do you care" then stop posting and save us all from your enlightened way of thinking cause yeah we don't give a fuck.

I am entitled to have an opinion, and Im also entitled to express it in a DISCUSSION FORUM for the sake of discussion. I don't "care" about said band, I never even checked their profile or heard the "songs" mentioned, I just expressed my opinion on the subject clearly stated in the thread title.

So yeah shut the fuck up already and stick to posting boobs
No dude, I'm calling it how I see it. This shit is on the level of high school girls getting pissed because "OMG johnny like cindy!"

It's immature and this isn't a discussion. It's a bash fest. I can only guess (that's why I won't) why the OP is picking on this band, but it's incredibly lame.

This thread is immature because it's flameing on some band, instead just talking about how it's silly to post garageband files. It wouldn't be so shitty if there wasn't a target and instead just a general conversation on the topic.

Picking on NS is one thing (hey he deserves it and posts regularly on this board). Picking on some random high school band for the fuck of it makes you STUPID AND IMMATURE.

To be honest I think this is pretty daft too. I'd NEVER post up guitar pro files and call it a demo.

I'd rather do a "camera phone mic at practice" recording, or a "guitar straight into line input of my pc" recording than this by far.

It just gives the impression that you can't even play your own shit. Regardless of whether you can or not.
This band wasn't the target, it was merely the carrier. I came across their myspace, it had a guitar pro bounce up as a track. I thought it was a dumb idea. I still think it's a dumb idea. I could care less about the band, I don't wish them any ill will. No one has directly been putting shit on the band or their music, it's more an observation of the decline in what passes for production/demos in this modern climate. Maybe you ought to loosen up.
It just gives the impression that you can't even play your own shit. Regardless of whether you can or not.

anyone in melbourne, australia can come down to diamond creek YMCA on the 22nd and see us play it for those of you who aren't we'll be recording (if we can find a good enough camera) just for a record of our first gig so if that comes out clearly i upload it to youtube or some shit
dude that movie was awesome! Best action movie I've seen in a long time.

Now on topic, as amarshism said and I said too, we don't actually care for the band in question, we just think it's a terrible idea to do this, my personal opinion of why was expressed before, some people agree and some people don't, big deal. But We expressed our opinion.

As said before, I do not care/know the band in the OP, I still gave them my opinion when they came asking for it, if they want to follow my advice or not is their problem, end of discussion then