bands posting guitar pro songs on their myspace as a song

Yeah, same here, but that's video game music made within a technological constraint.
This is a modern metalcore band putting up a midi file instead of showing that they can actually play (and I'd be willing to bet they probably can't, considering they can't fucking write for shit either.)

Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack anyone? Midi heaven. ^_^
putting up a midi file instead of showing that they can actually play (and I'd be willing to bet they probably can't, considering they can't fucking write for shit either.)

do you pay any attention to other peoples comments? i've already explained that this is just a temporary thing until we have the funds/time to record a demo.
also we don't claim to be any genre in particular as we are influenced by a wide range of stuff and dont want to restrict ourselves but please don't call us "metalcore", that's almost as bad as numetal or some shit like that
Yeah, same here, but that's video game music made within a technological constraint.
This is a modern metalcore band putting up a midi file instead of showing that they can actually play (and I'd be willing to bet they probably can't, considering they can't fucking write for shit either.)

Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack anyone? Midi heaven. ^_^

also the scott pilgrim vs the world , the game's chiptune soundtrack by Anamanaguchi

also we don't claim to be any genre in particular as we are influenced by a wide range of stuff and dont want to restrict ourselves but please don't call us "metalcore", that's almost as bad as numetal or some shit like that

Blah blah we see the genre labelling as a negative but will happily churn out the same generic shit as everyone else as long as we can all have jointly stupid haircuts and bad breakdowns in a failed attempt to get the poon under the pretense that we are actually influenced by a diverse collection of bands but really only listen to two because our 14 year old minds cant handle the strain of collating more than one cliche at a time blah blah blah

Most people dont really have diverse music taste at all, they're just scared people will view them as being close minded, hence why I never ask anyone what they listen to anymore, because you always get the same shitbird response; "Oh a bit of everything really, I'm not fussy". It's just bullshit.

Here's some advice, stop googling your bands name in the hope that something will actually come up and go take that time to write something half relevant.
Öwen;9435076 said:
Blah blah we see the genre labelling as a negative but will happily churn out the same generic shit as everyone else as long as we can all have jointly stupid haircuts and bad breakdowns in a failed attempt to get the poon under the pretense that we are actually influenced by a diverse collection of bands but really only listen to two because our 14 year old minds cant handle the strain of collating more than one cliche at a time blah blah blah

Most people dont really have diverse music taste at all, they're just scared people will view them as being close minded, hence why I never ask anyone what they listen to anymore, because you always get the same shitbird response; "Oh a bit of everything really, I'm not fussy". It's just bullshit.

Here's some advice, stop googling your bands name in the hope that something will actually come up and go take that time to write something half relevant.

Ouch. so true
I used to write a lot in guitar pro...always ended up that when I went to record the song for real it never sounded as cool haha. Would just sound weird, like it wasn't intended for real instruments.
I used to be in a band with a guy who would write all his songs in Powertab (precursor to Guitar Pro). Our last band-related MSN conversation went thus:

Him: Check it out, I just finished writing a song with 5 time signatures, mostly in 5:3! :D
Me: Actually, to be honest I don't want to play this either. I quit.
i wasn't claiming that we dont fit any genres or that we are creating our own, just saying that we only have one original so far and have only been playing together for the last 3 or 4 months so we dont know what that genre is yet, we dont want to force ourselves into writing stuff that fits a genre but focus on making it sound like something we'd listen to.

also we dont write using gp, we put everything into it once we're done and maybe change how long one bit goes for or whatever, and with what people we're saying about it becoming some inaudible/unplayable mess ...the song is all in 4/4 and not a very hard song to play.