Bands that would be better with a different vocalist?

sorry, if you were in a band that played heavy metal i wouldnt be able to take you seriously. it's not for lack of effort, believe me. it's just way too gimmicky. it's like bands that wear masks on stage and shit. no thanks. if you were even a remotely attractive female ala angela of arch enemy, it makes matters ten times worse. ive seen your pictures though, so thankfully we dont have to worry about that problem.

This is a pretty good zing if you are calling me ugly, though your sentences were pretty convoluted and difficult to figure out. I am going to sig it.

By the way I still think you're pretty stupid for having that opinion. It's not gimmicky unless the female members are using their looks to gain fans.
Most people I know who are truly sexist have terrible luck with women or only date insecure ones. Coincidence?

Ozzy has a really weird voice. It works sometimes, for example when he guest sang on "Shock the Monkey" by Coal Chamber, but on his solo stuff (which I have not heard all of by any means) it can be really hit or miss.
Nothing wrong with the ladies doing metal or rock, its great actually, if you dont think so spend some time around some that only want to get into folk, pop or country, "wake me up when its over" but I respect a woman who ROCKS ! Gets down and gets dirty... Thank you very much Janis for busting down the doors of Miss Priss.

Ozzy voice is nasaly as hell and his melodies are SO predictable... so is that two things ? Sure we got some great music but guess what, Ozzy couldnt write his way out of a paper bag, he had nothing to do with it, he was a meal ticket and visa versa, eat enough frogs and everyone will think your god, congradulations.
I love that Priest song and was waiting for such a stupid remark, Halford covered the full spectrum of vocals, surely I have no need to post dozens of NON CHALKBORD Halford vocals to prove a point everyone should already know and hopefully most here do.

Also waiting for that EXACT reply to the mellow Dio vocals. It was better than attempting to ponder the term "trying too hard" and "metal vocals" in the same paragraph.

Perhaps I could expect an example of Dio "trying too hard" and another "metal vocalist" that does not.... waiting.... waiting

Krampus, young lady.... "just right"... I thought that was rather rude and unnecessary when I read it myself.
Miss Priss, haha. Not sure what you mean by "just right" but thanks. I think (hope) Mr. Stop Women's Suffrage is in the minority here.

A chick I know is the vocalist for the band Evil Choir here in Fukuoka. She's about 4'11 and 75 lbs but she growls like a motherfucker and walks like a man, and her whole life is her band and her music and promoting and interacting with fans.
sorry, if you were in a band that played heavy metal i wouldnt be able to take you seriously. it's not for lack of effort, believe me. it's just way too gimmicky. it's like bands that wear masks on stage and shit. no thanks. if you were even a remotely attractive female ala angela of arch enemy, it makes matters ten times worse. ive seen your pictures though, so thankfully we dont have to worry about that problem.

You're a total dick.
Dio is lol-worthy, as in his voice and style are lol-worthy. Hmm, for some reason I totally missed Martin. I stand corrected.

Ozzy, Halford, and Dio though are horrible.

Perhaps I could expect an example of Dio "trying too hard" and another "metal vocalist" that does not.... waiting.... waiting

and waiting

and waiting

and waiting

I see a lot of praise for John Bush for his work in Anthrax. Even from people who didnt like the direction Anthrax was going with when Bush joined. I however cant stand his style. Im not that bothered by him doing the old stuff live but his vocal lines in general are so boring. I think I could really appreciate some of the goovy stuff on "we've come for you all" for example but more often than not I cant tolerate Bush's vocals.

I do wish to add that I never heard him outside of Anthrax so I dont wish to judge his stuff in Armored Saint.