Bands that would be better with a different vocalist?

Warning. Or...I don't know. The vocals are both horrible (nasal) and genius (remarkably genuine and heartfelt) at the same time.

Walls Of Jericho era Helloween, Kai Hansen sounds like a robot duck. Hansi Kürsch would've been perfect.
Martin Van Drunen's voice used to kind of annoy me, but I like it now.

I think Demilich would have sounded better with a different vocalist, or at least a different style. I really can't get into the burpy thing.
I had troubles getting into those vocals before, but now being used to them, I have a hard time seeing a Chris Reifert behind the mic. It takes something very bizarre, rather than just an angry grunter kind of voice, to fit with the rest of their sound without sounding awkward.
It's too bad you're joking because female fronted bands are horrible. I can't think of a single good one. Women as metal fans is totally cool, and even as musicians they have the right to play in metal bands if they so choose. But any band that has a female in it....sorry, I just can't take the band seriously. It's more like a novelty.

the new agoraphobic nosebleed record has a vocalist and it sounds awesome
I think Demilich would have sounded better with a different vocalist, or at least a different style. I really can't get into the burpy thing.

Yea, I like the music, but can't stand the vocals. Same with Obituary, I guess. Every time I hear Tardy I want to smash the speakers with a baseball bat.
does this thread really have people that listen to death and black metal pretending to know something about what constitutes a great voice ?

Anyhow my pick - Ozzy
It's too bad you're joking because female fronted bands are horrible. I can't think of a single good one. Women as metal fans is totally cool, and even as musicians they have the right to play in metal bands if they so choose. But any band that has a female in it....sorry, I just can't take the band seriously. It's more like a novelty.

No wonder everyone thinks metal fans are meatheads!

Agree with razoredge about Ozzy, I always thought his voice was really off-putting. Also, LIFELOVER.

Edit: Aaskereia, too. Not a fan of the screeching, doesn't seem to fit with the instrumentation, and is mixed way too high.
I havent been much on female metal vocalists but some of my favorite hardrock tunes were female vocalists. They rule the softer side of the music world too. Higher percent chance of a girl being able to sing than a boy thus why most metal, which appeals primarily to hyper testerone teenage boys has had to resort to other less musical means of vocals. The great voices simply are not there to meet the demand.
Gonna go with Dream Theater... also sack the keyboards and get another guitar.

I second that. Awsome band up untill the dude starts singing. He is the only reason i dont bother buying their albums. The instrumental part i enjoy alot. Great musicians.
I've always thought Labrie gets a lot of, somewhat unfair, criticism on these boards. He's not my favourite singer, or anywhere near close, but I find it extremely hard to imagine DT without him. Some of the earlier work was great - Awake had some great vocal lines in. I don't particularly like it when he's trying to almost growl, he can leave Portnoy to do that (not that he's great - Nightmare to Remember was amazing live, but that was because Akerfeldt came on to do the death vocals.)
Labrie sounds good half the time terrible the rest. For the most part it seems to be the top of his range that is not good. Goes too monotone and whiny sounding, always been that way since I&W but gets worse as he gets older. I like his mid range course voice and hes good at that soft stuff, which hardcore metal heads will never like.
"Labrie sucks" and pumping Ozzy in the same sentence is laughable

"Go back to korn" is even funnier

Id rather go back to "Black Sabbath" when I thought real cool riffs with a horrible nasally sounding vocalist, take the clothspin off yer nose dude.

To make matters worse his voice was not as bad comparitively back then as it increasingly became as time went by.