Bands that would be better with a different vocalist?

Ozzy's voice is pretty bad at times... but I wouldnt say they would have been better with a different vocalist. He fits the music just fine.
"Labrie sucks" and pumping Ozzy in the same sentence is laughable

"Go back to korn" is even funnier

Id rather go back to "Black Sabbath" when I thought real cool riffs with a horrible nasally sounding vocalist, take the clothspin off yer nose dude.

To make matters worse his voice was not as bad comparitively back then as it increasingly became as time went by.

Liking Dream Theater is the only laughable thing here.
No wonder everyone thinks metal fans are meatheads!

sorry, if you were in a band that played heavy metal i wouldnt be able to take you seriously. it's not for lack of effort, believe me. it's just way too gimmicky. it's like bands that wear masks on stage and shit. no thanks. if you were even a remotely attractive female ala angela of arch enemy, it makes matters ten times worse. ive seen your pictures though, so thankfully we dont have to worry about that problem.
Labrie sucks, and anybody saying Ozzy just fails at metal. Go back to KoRn or something.

Labrie is not that good, but he is lightyears better than Ozzy will ever be. Ozzy should have never been in music, but then Black Sabbath has never used a decent vocalist so go figure.
Dio is lol-worthy, as in his voice and style are lol-worthy. Hmm, for some reason I totally missed Martin. I stand corrected.

Ozzy, Halford, and Dio though are horrible.
Dio is lol-worthy, as in his voice and style are lol-worthy. Hmm, for some reason I totally missed Martin. I stand corrected.

Ozzy, Halford, and Dio though are horrible.

Halford and Dio are the voice of metal. Great pipes and great tone, unlike Ozzy. Ozzy got lucky for one being in Sabbath which caught on due to the vib of the music not his voice, then he furthered his career through shock artistry again not from having a outstanding voice.

Rainbows success was equally due to Dios voice and delivery as it was Blackmores guitar.

Halford was the model voice for metal vocalists throughout the 80's and further for those that still chose to sing.

Only thing possibly cloned from Ozzy was antics.

Everyone is entitled to opinions but Halford and Dio had good pipes, thus deleting any value of statements of "horrible". Might as well better say Domingo and Pavarotti were horrible and sign your post JGmeathead