Bands with no bad releases....

Dirt is their most accessible. I personally think it's their worst (which isn't saying much).

It goes in this order for me:

Alice In Chains
Jar of Flies
Have you heard the new one? I wouldn't say it discounts how great his past discography is (especially splits and Nocturnal Poisoning) but it was a let down for me after a very solid effort with Subliminal Genocide

Leviathan, but I can't say I've heard all those demos. All official releases are very good.
I would agree here. I haven't heard Tentacles of Whorror, but I've been told it's great by reputable sources.

Deeds of Flesh would be my contribution to this category. Everything I have by them is top notch
It grew on me considerably, as did all the rest of his material. At this point I can't get enough of it.

Which reminds me. Did you return the favor yet for your latest care package?
Have you heard the new one? I wouldn't say it discounts how great his past discography is (especially splits and Nocturnal Poisoning) but it was a let down for me after a very solid effort with Subliminal Genocide
To be honest no, I was rather assuming based on the fact I've enjoyed every other release.

Deeds of Flesh would be my contribution to this category. Everything I have by them is top notch

Ah yes, I thought of DoF a short while after my post. Consistantly good stuff.