Bands with no bad releases....

Is that the one that came out immediately after Nocturnal Poisoning? If so, no, I don't care for it. I actually still own it, but it's too tedious and unfocused for me. I also think that the production values on that album are particularly poor. It also doesn't help to have the same track twice, as was demonstrated by Nargaroth (who sucks anyway).

If the Leviathan comment was directed at me, it wouldn't surprise I've never mentioned them on the board. I might have, but who knows. I have The Tenth Sublevel Of Suicide, which I'm mostly fairly indifferent toward and have almost no interest in playing it again.
Thread cleaned.

Rabid, just because YOU don't like someone else's responses, that doesn't give you the right to play teacher and insult people and mark up their lists. It's a personal opinion thread, and if you don't like someones list, don't respond to it.
I need to start checking out Sleep soon. Very Soon.

Om is pretty good. I got their new one and I was impressed.

Not every Boris is good. About 89% are though. Boris is truly amazing.

I've never heard any Boris that I didn't like. Even Vein which a lot of people don't seem to like for whatever reason.
The Chasm
Slough Feg

Agalloch don't count - 3 full lengths doesn't qualify imo. I'd be tempted to say Judas Priest ... but 1 or 2 albums are touch and go.