Bands with no bad releases....

I don't count Kamelot as being truly Kamelot until they got Khan on vocals. The first record on which he actually assisted in the writing process was 'The Fourth Legacy.' So I'd have to say Kamelot. Every record since then has been awesome, and I think that makes exactly five studio albums and two live albums.
I have decent headphones. I dont have high volumes. Fuck hearing loss.

I only have a little of Xasthur. Where should I start again?

Nocturnal Poisoning

I also recommend Telepathic With the Deceased and the split with Leviathan.

Speaking of Xasthur, Funeral of Being has been reissued and I plan on picking it up next month. How's it compare?
Nocturnal Poisoning

I also recommend Telepathic With the Deceased and the split with Leviathan.

Speaking of Xasthur, Funeral of Being has been reissued and I plan on picking it up next month. How's it compare?

I thought Hydra Head had reissued A Gate Through Blood Stained Mirrors? Funeral of Being was also? Fuck Malefic and all these releases.
Bolt Thrower
The Chasm
The Crown
Grave Digger

Carcass and Emperor may questionable to some because of Swansong and Prometheus, but while those albums are obviously not as good as Necroticism or ITNE, that's part of the reason why I like them; they're different, without being awful like the newer In Flames stuff. Albums like Vader's The Beast may be their lowest quality release, but it's still so much better than the vast majority of other releases in the genre, that I can't be that cynical as to take them off the list.

I think bands like Amorphis and Sigh who can drastically change their style, but master that new genre are some of the most impressive musicians out there.
I got the weekly online newsletter for Newbury Comics (NE record store chain) and it said they listed Funeral of Being as one of the new releases. Since it's obviously not a new release, I'm pretty sure it had to have been reissued in order for Newbury to get a fresh shipment.

I could be wrong, though.
Slayer and dream theater both have released crap (most of their respective discographies, imo).

I will second Dark Tranquility, Emperor, Bathory, and Amon Amarth

I'm also gonna throw out Dragonforce - anyone that likes anything by them will like everything by them.
Motorhead, imo...haven't heard everything by them tbh, but they're so fucking consistent that I feel confident in saying this.
Rhapsody (now Rhapsody of Fire)
At The Gates
more that currently escape me....

I don't second In Flames, sadly enough...

EDIT: Five release rule takes out we count ATG?
Primordial easily.

Gorguts as well.

And to a lesser extent Emperor. (though not all of them are "great")
I would agree here. I haven't heard Tentacles of Whorror, but I've been told it's great by reputable sources.
Get it soon. This release really maximizes the odd/bizarre/obscure elements in Leviathan. There are several great tracks, some of the band's best, but it runs out of gas at the end, and there are production variations from song to song that might bother some.

Hm. I like Leviathan/Shining/Drudkh but I can't see what is so great about Xasthur. : |
Those bands have very little in common, so I'm not sure what correlation you're trying to make.

Nocturnal Poisoning

I also recommend Telepathic With the Deceased and the split with Leviathan.

Speaking of Xasthur, Funeral of Being has been reissued and I plan on picking it up next month. How's it compare?
I would not start with Nocturnal Poisoning, unless you're already really familiar with lo-fi black metal. It's the most difficult Xasthur release by far. The production is very difficult. Xasthur/Leviathan is probably best to start with, and then TWTD. Subliminal Genocide is up there too. I don't think any Xasthur album is that accessible though, other than Xasthur/Nortt, which is not that representative of the band overall.

Funeral of Being is really evil sounding. I did not like it initially, because the best songs fall in the middle/end of the album. It's worth getting, but not as good as SG or TWTD.