Bands with no bad releases....

I can agree that NeChrist is Nokturnal Mortum's worst but I still don't think they've released one bad album.
I got the Solitude Dominance Tragedy album. I like prog, but that album just bores me.

I've heard several people say that Evergrey bores them. I suppose I can understand them though, Evergrey have very unique music, I think it's mostly about the atmosphere of the songs, and the mood they get you into. I guess it just doesn't work for everyone.
This board is weird, embracing every usbm release ever released and hating fucking Nechrist of all albums?! Now I'm angry. :mad: :p
I've heard several people say that Evergrey bores them. I suppose I can understand them though, Evergrey have very unique music, I think it's mostly about the atmosphere of the songs, and the mood they get you into. I guess it just doesn't work for everyone.

Yeah, I guess. I can understand that you like them still, though. I'm like, the one person here who respects other people's opinions.

...And maybe I'll also add Iron Maiden to my list. The self-titled album and Virtual XI aren't quite as good as the other releases, but not bad by any means.
...And maybe I'll also add Iron Maiden to my list. The self-titled album and Virtual XI aren't quite as good as the other releases, but not bad by any means.
Virtual XI, The X Factor, Fear Of The Dark, and No Prayer For The Dying are all mediocre or worse. Dance of Death just barely kept off that list. Also, they release way too much live stuff.


Epic: The Tedium of War
Although they don't have 5 full-lengths, I vote Pig Destroyer.
I mean come on, one of their albums had 2 discs right???
pink floyd

for years pink floyd were my favourite band ever, and they are still up there now i guess. however, i cant agree with any assertion that they have no bad releases. momentary lapse of reason and the division bell, while containing some absolute classic tracks, are by no means good albums, especially compared to the rest of the bands catalogue. however, the musicians that recorded these albums are arguably not pink floyd, a momentary lapse was essentially a dave gilmour solo album.
Megadeth (Flame all you want, I won't care), Disturbed, Evile, Edgar Winter Group, Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rush, Serj Tankian, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and I can't think of any more.