Bands you wish had better production...

by Ulver i assume you mean Nattens Madrigal...

Clockwork - Surface Tension .. good cd, flat EQ.
All Dream Theater - who turned off myung?
Foo Fighters - In Your Honor ... turn Dave's vox up bigtime.
Edge of Sanity - could use a bit of tuning up
... more
Nattens Madrigal's production was done on purpose, in an attempt to sound like Darkthrone.

I wish Immortal - Pure Holocaust had better production, most of the time I can only hear the drums and vocals, the lead isn't very high in the mix.

Agalloch - Pale Folklore is rather iffy too.
Early recordings by Death, Emperor (blasphemy!!! ;) ) and Opeth among many others including old classical recordings (anything prior to the 60's is pretty horrendous).
^I actually meant classical as in symphonic, but yes, many of the recordings of that time where terrible. Thats interesting about jazz... the higher quality due to the success of bebop?
Justin S. said:
Early recordings by Death, Emperor (blasphemy!!! ;) ) and Opeth among many others including old classical recordings (anything prior to the 60's is pretty horrendous).

Early Emperor sounds pretty good to me, what needs improving?
bangadrian said:
but can't classical works just be recreated with modern recording technology? unless you're talking about the works of composers of the 50's

Not at all. Each player, arrangement, conductor, etc. all add something unique to to each performance. Also its not a small task to re-record all that material!
Justin S. said:
Compare Prometheus to Nightside.


Anybody not agreeing, please get Emperor's Scattered Ashes and, if you don't hear ways in which many of the early Emperor's songs could be improved, please go to your doctor.
I wouldn't go for re-recording classics. I mean, even if we don't like the production of MAYH or MR, as an example, those albums are there like that. There's the context in which those albums were recorded and, even if they were re-done, okay, maybe the sound quality would be better, but they wouldn't be the same thing! There would be different vibes!

Remastering or whatever that can be done to improve sound I support, though. I was amazed at the difference between the original Nevermore's Enemies of Reality and the Sneap copy.
I find it amusing that the main topics of conversation around here right now are to do with album covers and album production. What about music? With that being said:
Irreligion said:
ESPECIALLY not material that was intented to have raw production, ie: black metal.
Damien. said:
I find it amusing that the main topics of conversation around here right now are to do with album covers and album production. What about music? With that being said:

ESPECIALLY not material that was intented to have raw production, ie: black metal.

uhh...yea...none of us ever talk about music...:erk: