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Mr Samsara

Misanthropic Moderator
Jul 9, 2004
Carrying a Burden Inside
All: I'm disturbed by the frequency of posts referring to "leaks". I know you are all excited about the new record, but look at the time stamp of this post. If I see another post talking about torrents, or leaks, etc. after I post this message, that member is getting a 6 month ban. And really.... I'm not going to explain why. It's common sense, and those who choose to use it will remain... and those who don't... won't.
samsara what is your views on talking about taking a leak, as in going to the bathroom?
truth is its absolute bullshit that waz gets banned.

I'm cutting you some slack on this comment, as it appears to be based on ignorance. I don't have time to rehash all the history but most regular long time posters know he wore out his welcome long ago.... and his being "friendly" or "down to earth" has nothing to do with this subject.
gee, thanks for the slack. iirc, it was one comment he made like two years ago or something. and, i am basing my opinion on the fact that he is friendly and down to earth, as i think it has everything to do with what matters concerning this subject. whatever though, i'm sure he will pull through.
gee, thanks for the slack. iirc, it was one comment he made like two years ago or something. and, i am basing my opinion on the fact that he is friendly and down to earth, as i think it has everything to do with what matters concerning this subject. whatever though, i'm sure he will pull through.

im awfully sick of people sticking up for waz. yeah he seemed nice, but his typing gave me seizures and he continued to come back with a different name and he continued to post videos upon videos of his youtube videos. it became so annoying...
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