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No you are missing the point.
Should people get banned for beeing a sarcastic dick (which would mean at least 25% of the people on UM, proabaly more) or for spreading information about leaked music?
There is no consistancy at all.

There are many kinds of sarcastic dickery, and i would put the number closer to 75%, but you put your account in the Mod's hands when you insult him and his thread like that.
Nice to see the cogs are still turning the same way here.

SPAM: Whilst this can at times be a vague term, we trust that you all have the common sense to gauge what is appropriate and what is not. Some things that fall under the SPAM category are: wasteful threads/posts with no discernible purpose, repeatedly posting the same message over and over, repeatedly adding nothing of worth to a conversation, posting repeatedly using internet slang with no contribution of value etc. SPAMMING is not allowed.

Trolling: Constant personal attacks on members, repeatedly adding nothing of worth, establishing an antagonistic online persona are all traits of your common forum troll. As with SPAM, the term can at times be vague and mis-used, but we trust that you know what behaviour is beneficial to the community and what isn't. Trolling is not allowed.

There is a reason I wrote that up in the guidelines sticky. This allows the moderator at hand to make a judgment call based on the criteria listed and establish whether a forum member is either spamming or trolling. Read flebbie's post again and you will see that Samsara was well within his rights to reprimand him based on the wasteful, useless shite content of his post (not to mention disrespecting the band with the open implication of finding a leak... what, do you really think anyone believes he's just gonna find a leak and look at it and go 'whoo' and let it be?). I can't say whether a half-year ban was harsh or not, as I don't know whether flebbie has established a trolling persona on here in the past, but if he does have prior infringements then Samsara did the right thing.

It's the same old shit since I was here. There is a group of forumites who are doing the worn out rebellion thing and trying to undermine the administration at any possible turn. It comes down to being as simple as this: If you're not an asshole who posts wasteful/retarded shit all the time, you're not going to get touched by Samsara. You're not going to be woken one night by the forum SS raiding your house and deathcamping you simply for contributing to a discussion forum as any mature, intelligent, literate human being would. Samsara doesn't get kicks out of banning people, so unless you give him reason to, just relax and let the status quo remain.

..and Waz. Christ, I can't even remember how many times *I* banned him, much less how many times Samsara has done it since I left. Samsara summed it up perfectly by saying that he's been coming back for so long that nobody even remembers the original reason he should be banned anymore. The point is that he constantly broke the rules of the forum, with absolutely no regard for our warnings to him about it. Although I think by saying that few humans possess his level of virulence is being a tad optimistic about the general population.
I agree that he was acting like a prick, and if he has a history of trolling then I guess he deserved it, but by the looks of things I really doubt that was the reason.
Im gonna shut up about this now, I made my point, think it was porly handled.
But I guess a mod have bad days too.
Funny that people are arguing the leak point - apparently missing the fact that this board is OWNED by the band, and what they say goes. There's no First Amendment here people, so fucking keep it in your pants until the release date. Really, do you think arguing about it is gonna change anything? Like Mike'll see it and say, "Oh, OPRTH_FAN_BLACKWATER thinks talking about leaks is a good idea. maybe i AM wrong."

if people keep fucking up the board is just gonna get closed again. lot of moaning and bitching for nothing.
i think samsara is just trying to act strict so mikael will trust him and send him an advanced copy of the album *_*_*_*_*__*_**

if this is serious, that's probably one of the most stupid things i've ever read in this forum.
jesus... if there's a rule, could people be smart enough to respect it?
i guess nobody of us wants this forum to be closed again so... don't play with fire. if i remember well, mikael said that opeth pay some $$$ to the owners of the domain too...
Plz ban me! This forum is addictive in some way! thought it ruins all the Watershed and opeth surprise and private passion!
Funny that people are arguing the leak point - apparently missing the fact that this board is OWNED by the band, and what they say goes. There's no First Amendment here people, so fucking keep it in your pants until the release date. Really, do you think arguing about it is gonna change anything? Like Mike'll see it and say, "Oh, OPRTH_FAN_BLACKWATER thinks talking about leaks is a good idea. maybe i AM wrong."

if people keep fucking up the board is just gonna get closed again. lot of moaning and bitching for nothing.

The main part of this discussion is not about wether we should post leaks here or not, I think almost all of us agree on that point.
The main part of this discussion is not about wether we should post leaks here or not, I think almost all of us agree on that point.

That's kinda what I'm saying though - even if you're just talking about the leak, if Mike doesn't want that, then what he says goes. I don't see it as being a debatable point.
if this is serious, that's probably one of the most stupid things i've ever read in this forum.
jesus... if there's a rule, could people be smart enough to respect it?
i guess nobody of us wants this forum to be closed again so... don't play with fire. if i remember well, mikael said that opeth pay some $$$ to the owners of the domain too...

He obviously wasn't serious. Also, you got an advanced copy of the album, so please just sit quietly while the rest of us argue about arguing about leaks! :p
Mister Samsara said:
For the record: I thought you were fans of Opeth? You all know Mike regularly visits this place. Why would you talk about trying to download a leak of an Opeth record here then? It is just incomprehensible to me. I think it's fucking rude and mindless to come on a band's official forum and talk about how you are going to pirate their music. For those who are newer here... the last time that happened (around the time GR was about to be released) this entire forum was shut down. I'm trying to prevent that for everyone's benefit.. so you all have a place to discuss all things Opeth.... with the exception of how you are going to access the perhaps inevitable leak. Do what you want outside of this forum.... I'm only concerned about what happens here. I can't even understand why I have to explain this to people.

I don't download music and I won't be downloading the new Opeth. But there was a time when the only way to discover a band like Opeth was to do unspeakable acts.

I will buy Watershed special edition, and continue to support the music. :)
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