Reign in Acai
Of Elephant and Man
Why? Because it's his way of poking fun at himself you douche! Don't you understand? Don;t you think it pains him to wake up every morning and struggle to roll out of bed? His emotional scars run deep as the dish pizza he consumes on a routine basis! So in order for him to find a loophole in being pronounced a pudgy, pastry loving, bacon bit swilling sow he puts a picture of himself gorging for all the world to see. Who in their right mind would be proud of being obese? If the herd of humanity was to be culled he'd be the first deadweight to be dispensed of. Being a metabolically defecient dough digesting dickwad carries no benefits. In his current state he will live the rest of his life alone. With only his infeminate friends there to console him. Cheetos give him the love and reassurance he always yearned for, but never recieved from his parents. And you silly twits condone his slow suicide. He's killing himself 1 bon bon at a time!
Dough Abuse Resistance Education
Dough Abuse Resistance Education