BDO 2007

to be honest, the only non metal music i listen to is Tool, hah, i have a ticket to their concert, its General Admission but today i got offered a seating ticket, but i feel bad ditching my mates n leaving them in GA, i've seen them twice already, they do a killer live show, but at the BDO the set wont be as long, the sound wont be as good and the crowd will be shit, my guess. I heard Slayer are going to at BDO, i fucking hope they dont, because if they do i'll have to go haha.
Rayna said:
yip.... we have hit a bad stage in music.... if its not mainsteem... its not on.

still, its not all bad, would you really want bands like satyricon headlinging BDO, i wouldnt, as too many cunts would start to like them, and cunts ruin good music

If slayer played 1000s of hardcore 14 year kids would get their knobs kicked in, and id be the one doing the greater part of the kicking :kickass:
Danallica said:
still, its not all bad, would you really want bands like satyricon headlinging BDO, i wouldnt, as too many cunts would start to like them, and cunts ruin good music

If slayer played 1000s of hardcore 14 year kids would get their knobs kicked in, and id be the one doing the greater part of the kicking :kickass:

Thats a little angry lol.... I had lots of metal heads in my class at school that were far to scared to go to the 2003 one because Metallica attracted bikies and they were scared that the bikers would smash them up.
Rayna said:
Thats a little angry lol.... I had lots of metal heads in my class at school that were far to scared to go to the 2003 one because Metallica attracted bikies and they were scared that the bikers would smash them up.

haha, yeh sorry, im pretyry drunk atm...Dt in 1 hr

Still, I doubt that anyone would ever get beat up at a metal gig if they didnt act like tools
Danallica said:
haha, yeh sorry, im pretyry drunk atm...Dt in 1 hr

Still, I doubt that anyone would ever get beat up at a metal gig if they didnt act like tools

Well these guys seemed pretty
Yeah but for some reason i must look very approachable (I always go to BDO alone) but at Metallica this drunk tried to push me out of my seat and like these bikers were like.... don’t worry we got your back, and the next year.... so many pope were offering me free dope... i was like wtf... Did someone say i was looking? Strange lol. I always enjoy the people at bdo, you meet some really interesting people...
PaganThunder said:
to be honest, the only non metal music i listen to is Tool.
Quoted for truth.

PaganThunder said:
i have a ticket to their concert, its General Admission but today i got offered a seating ticket, but i feel bad ditching my mates n leaving them in GA, i've seen them twice already, they do a killer live show, but at the BDO the set wont be as long, the sound wont be as good and the crowd will be shit, my guess. I heard Slayer are going to at BDO, i fucking hope they dont, because if they do i'll have to go haha.
Which row was the seat in?