Beautiful MEN wanted....

yeah but when you type naked men into a search engine...or even "playgirl", it's mostly all homosexual sites. we want naked heterosexual "metal type" dudes. is that too much to ask?
Originally posted by credence
we want naked heterosexual "metal type" dudes. is that too much to ask?

So there's no such thing as homosexual "metal type" dudes? Interesting...

As for heterosexual metal type dudes... go look at some pics of Janne Wirman from Children of Bodom... no there's no naked pictures... but who needs to look at naked men when you've got someone as beautiful as him to look at.
haha i knew i was going to get killed on that metal type dude comment. metal dudes have more sense than that...yeah you are right, i'll just look at your pic instead, pancakes. ;)
Originally posted by Silent Downfall 2 has a section for women. oh and ...

there's your beautiful man.

No, she wants beautiful MEN, not whiney little boys.

oh and...

Here's your beautiful men:




Originally posted by Silent Downfall 2
DUH! can't you read moron.

oh and that's exactly why she doesn't want you.


other people's stupidity is fun! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


First things first, i'm a little old to be a boy.

Second of all, i haven't posted any pics of me here, ever, so you have no idea, nor does she, of how i look.

Third of all, your reply to my post was the stupidest thing i've ever read. Can't you friggin think of anything to post that will make me laugh or something, a good retaliation?

Fourth of all, SDII = :lol: :lol: :lol:
