
My local has just got in a really good range of Dieu du Ciel seasonal stuff. I've never had any of their stuff but plan to pick up a mixed pack. Any tips as to what I should try?
nice! I haven't had much of their stuff but Peche Mortel, Rigor Mortis and Solstice D'Hiver are all outstanding. Plus you can try aging Peche Mortel and Solstice D'Hiver to see how they change
Thanks! Peché Mortel caught my eye when reading the descriptions on the beer shop's newsletter, so will definitely try that one.

The others are:
Carbonniere (rauchbier)
Rescousse (altbier)
Corne du Diable (imperial IPA)
Rosée d'Hibiscus (hibiscus wit??!?!)
Derniere Volonté (blonde)
Route des Épices (peppercorn rye beer) will def try this
Equinoxe du Printemps (strong ale with maple)

Also anyone tried the St Ambroise Oatmeal Stout? That has arrived with a big wrap too
I been a big fan of Sun King's Bitter Druid ESB but you can only get it from the brewery. I really wish they can that beer as well.
Pumpkin Beer is here! I picked up a 6 pack of Smuttynose Pumpkin and it isn't as good as I remembered it being. There was a new cashier at the store I usually go to and she thought I was stocking up for a party but it was just what I drink during a weekend. I got a 12 pack of Dales Pale Ale, the 6 pack of Smuttynose and a bomber of a Sierra Nevada IIPA (/alcoholic)
Pumpkin beer ftw. Already got my 6ers of Post Road (Brooklyn Brewery's pumpkin ale) and Harpoon's new UFO Pumpkin. Both quite good.
I think Sam Adams Pumpkin something or other is the only pumpkin beer I have had, so you are probably right.
Yea wtf that's not a regional beer. Southern Tier Pumking is ALWAYS sold out whenever I try to find it in stores. I had it one time on tap at a bar in Atlantic City two years ago but I still haven't seen it in a store.
Yeah Pumking is a popular national one. Perhaps I mean to say it's more popular to brew them in New England, or that they themselves are more popular over here. Seems like every brewery in NE has their own.
nice! I haven't had much of their stuff but Peche Mortel, Rigor Mortis and Solstice D'Hiver are all outstanding. Plus you can try aging Peche Mortel and Solstice D'Hiver to see how they change

Yeah bro, let's sip on Solstice D'Hiver while rocking the fuck out to Paysage D'Hiver bro. Dark/Black beer metal bro. But yes, it's fabulous.

For some reason this made me lol. Can't wait to buy some expensive Belgian trappist shit in MD with you at MDF next year brah!

Looking forward to that! :kickass: Really good beer with really good metal is a combo that I can't enjoy with my fellow beer-snob friends.

Pumpkin beer ftw. Already got my 6ers of Post Road (Brooklyn Brewery's pumpkin ale) and Harpoon's new UFO Pumpkin. Both quite good.

Brooklyn's such a good brewery. Theirs is my favourite summer ale and lager. Have you tried out their "Local 1"? Since you like Belgian beer, you would really enjoy that one.
Tried a few different beers the past few weeks and haven't found anything close to what I'm looking for. Something heavily flavored (chocolate, cream, coffee, nut, etc.), thick body, and potent. The closest I've come is Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale, Sam Adams Cream Stout, or Guinness. Would any of you know of anything over the top that fits the description?
perhaps you should try a Russian Imperial Stout or bourbon barrel aged stout. Old Rasputin is fairly easy to come by and is a great "entry level" RIS. In terms of bourbon barrel aged stouts, they start to become more expensive. Lagunitas has a Bourbon Barrel Cappucino stout that's pretty tasty. Green Flash has one as well, but I doubt it gets shipped out to the midwest. If you can find Firestone Walker's 14th Anniversary or Parabola, snag it.

When Goose Island's Bourbon County Stout comes out, you should try and get some. It's considered to be the godfather of big stouts.
Picked up a bomber of Fleur by Goose Island & a sixer of Lagunitas IPA. This is the first time I've gotten Fleur, it's a Belgian style ale. Looking forward to trying it.