
yeah it was a blast. It also really affirmed my belief that beer is best when fresh (though some exceptions obviously apply). At Russian River, we had their Russian River IPA as part of our flight, and it was outstanding. The next day at City Beer, we had it again, but it tasted completely different. Having beer at the brewery makes so much difference. I've had Bear Republic's Racer 5 IPA so many times because it's a go-to for me, but on tap at the bar was a completely different experience.

It's also supporting the brewer directly, which I'm always a fan of. It's like buying merch from a band at a show. You know exactly where your money is going, and you have a better chance at getting hard-to-find stuff.

edit: I'm also not drinking any beer for the next few days :lol: I forgot to mention that the three of us went through 9 bottles of beer the first night as well. So yeah. Need to detox for a few days
Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey are now available in NJ for the first time! I'm going to pick up a some of these tomorrow as I'm sure they're pricey.

fuck yes! Old Rasputin is one of my favorites.

Last night I opened a few bottles from the cellar:

2010 North Coast Old Stock Ale
2010 Trappistes Rochefort 10
2009 Drie Fonteinen Oude Kriek (for the girlfriend)
Petrus Oud Bruin

The Old Stock was fucking delicious. It was sweet and not overwhelmingly boozy. This is one of my favorite beers. If you see this, and it's out right now, stock up and cellar it. Rochefort 10 is one of my favorite beers, but a year of cellaring hasn't done much to it. The real experiment was with the Drie Fonteinen Oude Kriek. Technically this is definitely one of those beers that has to be aged on its side and at cellar temperature, but it tasted fucking great. My girlfriend loved it.
Currently enjoying some Moretti. Had my first one in San Antonio at Rites of Darkness at some Italian restaurant. It basically tastes like Peroni, but I think I like this a little more. Pretty good for a lager & when I am in the mood for something easy to drink.
That Porter? looks fucking nice!Drinking Tooheys Extra Dry which is pretty much standard easy to drink piss here in Australia,does'nt leave ya too hung over either which adds to the appeal.
I've got some Old Rasputin here which I'm yet to try. Hard to get motivated in 40C heat.

Had a Sierra Nevada Northern Hemisphere Wet Hop Ale last night. Pretty much the best pale ale I've ever had. It blew me away.

US beers are becoming more obtainable here which is good. Still ridiculously expensive, but the decent local microbreweries overcharge anyway so the imports remain justifiable from time to time.
I just picked up the Sam Adams Brewers' Choice variety pack. Right now I'm enjoying the Black Lager. Rather dark, full of toasty malty goodness but still spritzy enough for a good finish.
I like their Black Lager, it's actually pretty good and nicely balanced. Let me know what you think of their new IPA. It's supposed to be some unholy white ale/IPA combination so I'm a bit interested. Also interested in what you (and other people) think of the new Sam Adams Spring seasonal, Alpine Spring. I found it to be a pretty good kellerbier, obviously not as good as the Sierra Nevada keller, but it's pretty good. Unfiltered, refreshing and drinkable.
So I tried one of my homebrews today. The result was not favorable, but It is expected considering they haven't even been bottle fermenting for more than a week. Generally, the longer you leave them in the bottles, the better they taste and the instructions recommend at least 2 weeks. It was really flat and bland. Hopefully another week and they'll be tasty. I hope I didn't fuck anything up.
(not my pic)

Just had this. Incredibly good American IPA from Maine. I'm psyched for the future of this brewery; right now they are teeny-tiny (run by two brothers) and operate on a system slightly bigger than a homebrewer would, distributing four beers to six states. I'm in love.