
Just cracked this open. Already loved the first sip.


First beer haul. From left to right: 550mL Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale, 4 pack of Duvel, 750mL Souther Tier Creme Burlee Stout. And then some free shit: Crown Royal "puke bag", 2 Milwaukee's Best Light huggies, and a Joose "The Number 1, Any Questions" t-shirt.
HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY SCHMIDT! Win!! Creme Brulee stout is stupidly sweet, but very strong/good...basically tastes like a creme liqueur more than a stout most of the time...Duvel is great obviously, and Sam Smith doesn't make things less than "awesome"...good choices.
I downed that Nut Brown Ale. Fucking excellent. It smelled like what I thought it would, very malty with a hoppy bitterness, but it tastes really sweet and left a great aftertaste.

Tomorrow after class I plan on heading to a local sports bar and ordering a few non-shit brews, and then polishing off that Creme Burlee and maybe drink a Duvel, depending on how drunk I am.

To add to the story, my friend got pulled over while we left the liquor store for not having his headlights on. There were 3 of us in the car, and only one of us (my other friend sitting in the back) had been drinking. They thought the driver (not drinking) had been drinking, and performed one field sobriety test (the pen thing). I handed my ID to the other cop and I saw him look at my birthdate, check his watch, and laugh because it was literally like 15 minutes after midnight.

Nothing happened. My friend got a warning for the lights and received a citation for not having valid proof of insurance (it was expired) but if he shows that he has a valid one before his date, he won't have to show up to court.

Great story to tell everyone.
I love porters man, it's like drinking cold coffee with alcohol in it and hops.

Lately at shows my buddy has been recommending brews, and then I realize I have shit ton of that same beer at home from my 21st birthday. Fucking Breckenridge brews on tap, talk about glorious reward. I love this state.
So I bought a bomber of Stone's Sublime Self-Rightous Black IPA. This might be the most bitter beer I've ever drunk (drank?). Coffee like thickness and taste, burnt fruits maybe, and once it warms it really starts to get heavy. I had to pour some of it out when it warmed up, my stomach just wouldn't take it.
one of my favorites. I pretty much had the same reaction the first time I had any Stone beer...especially Ruination. That one took some getting used to. Levitation is a good entry level Stone beer that won't destroy your pallet or your wallet

Went out last night and had a couple of beers. Heretic's Evil Cousin double IPA. Holy fuck was this good. Foamy head that left excellent lacing...sweet good. Followed it up with a Green Flash West Coast IPA which is always tits
Westvleteren is coming to the U.S.

You read that correctly. For the first (and more than likely) only time in history, Westvleteren beers will be bottled, shipped and legally sold on U.S. soil.

Widely regarded as the maker of some of the most coveted beers in the world, the brewery will ship a limited amount of product to the U.S. in an attempt to raise money for an aging monastery in need of repairs and also planning and expansion.

Daniel Shelton, of Shelton Brothers Importers confirmed that next April, he will be importing 7760 special ‘gift-pack’ units from the Belgium-based brewery and monastery. The packs contain six bottles of beer and two, 15cl glasses.

Shelton is still working out the exact details of the deal and could not yet confirm what the suggested retail price of the gift pack will be or which markets will receive the beer. Shelton is based in Belchertown, Mass.

Undoubtedly, the gift packs will sell for considerably less than what the “grey market” is offering at this time on auction sites like eBay.

Additionally, Shelton mentioned that Manneken-Brusel Imports out of Austin, TX would also be importing an undisclosed amount of the beer into the U.S market.

All of the proceeds from the packs sold into the U.S. market will help fund the rebuilding and expansion of the Westvleteren monastery. Westvleteren made about 4,500 hectoliters of beer last year (approximately 3,800 U.S. barrels).

The Shelton Brothers import beers from approximately 100 different breweries into the U.S. market.

:kickass: although i don't even want to know the price
:kickass: although i don't even want to know the price

Don't care unless it's obscene...I've been reading about that and wanting to try it since I've been into "good beer", at least 10 years. If I see it, I'll get it.
For the record, I've heard it they sell it for a little over a dollar a bottle at the monastery....for what most people who've had it consider one of the best beers in the world.
yeah the people on BA are expecting a shitstorm over it. I've heard Rochefort 10 is better, but I'd still like to try it since it is Westy 12. If you place an order of over 100euro at beerplanet, you get a free bottle of Westy 12