

Steel Reserve is better than this bull shit excuse for a beer. Fuck it straight to god damn hell.


No matter what I try this is where I go back. It's simply the best, Jerry. The best.
Steel Reserve is the shit. 7-11 has a deal where two 24 oz. cans are $2.50. Cannot be beat. Had some Mickey's at Rites of Darkness because there was fuck all to be had in terms of beer, and it was pretty awful. Schlitz Malt Liquor was better even.

As far as real beer goes, had a big night on Saturday. Drank a bomber of Southern Tier Choklat, a bottle of Goose Island Pere Jacques, pints of Anchor Brekle's Brown, Three Floyds Zombie Dust, Mikkeler/Against The Grain Bloody Show, and a half pint of Bell's Consecrator.
Steel Reserve is the shit. 7-11 has a deal where two 24 oz. cans are $2.50. Cannot be beat. Had some Mickey's at Rites of Darkness because there was fuck all to be had in terms of beer, and it was pretty awful. Schlitz Malt Liquor was better even.

As far as real beer goes, had a big night on Saturday. Drank a bomber of Southern Tier Choklat, a bottle of Goose Island Pere Jacques, pints of Anchor Brekle's Brown, Three Floyds Zombie Dust, Mikkeler/Against The Grain Bloody Show, and a half pint of Bell's Consecrator.

I got fucked up on King Cobra and Olde English 800 at Rites. 6 pack tallboys were like $4 at this shitty gas station 2 blocks away from the Red Roof Inn. I remember running back in between bands, crushing a few of them, and hurrying my ass back to the venue. Good times.

Anyways, I've been meaning to get Choklat now that my local liquor store carries it but I'm running low on cash and have a shitton of shitty boxed Merlot to drink.
I got fucked up on King Cobra and Olde English 800 at Rites. 6 pack tallboys were like $4 at this shitty gas station 2 blocks away from the Red Roof Inn. I remember running back in between bands, crushing a few of them, and hurrying my ass back to the venue. Good times.

Anyways, I've been meaning to get Choklat now that my local liquor store carries it but I'm running low on cash and have a shitton of shitty boxed Merlot to drink.

I love King Cobra. OE 800 is my second favorite to Mickey's but the town I'm in now does not have it anywhere. Sucks.
Me and my buddy found a store online that delivers beer! We ordered OE800 and man that made me happy. But lately I've been drinking a lot of King Cobra. Just friggin' delicious.
No, I still have you higher than most, but for that comment you lost a few points. However, I laughed so hard at that "i losed?" that you pretty much redeemed yourself.

But seriously, fuck you. OE800 is god damned amazing malt liquor.
so I went to Oakquinox at the Stone brewery yesterday. This is the festival I look forward to every year. 15 tasters, and I never make it through all of them. This year was no exception. However, I was pretty disappointed by a couple of the beers I had.

For the first time ever, I've been disappointed by a Kern River Brewing Company beer. Their Class X is a bourbon barrel aged imperial stout. Only been brewed once or twice before. It just wasn't good. First of all it was flat. Second, it lacked the depth and complexity of a good bourbon barrel aged RIS. There were no boozy notes, no vanilla, no amazing smell. I was pretty bummed.

I was also disappointed with Oskar Blues's Barrel aged Ten FIDY. Ten FIDY is already a great imperial stout, so naturally the barrel aged version should be better right? Several people who went to last year's Oakquinox said this was one of the highlights. So I eagerly forked over a ticket for a taster. It was bad. I poured it out. It tasted like soy sauce and was obviously over the hill. Shame.

Otherwise, everything else I had was great. FiftyFifty Eclipse in Rose Hills and 20year Elijah Craig barrels were fantastic. Firestone Walker's Parabola is still drinking nice, which is good since I have a few bottles in the cellar.

Overall it was a good time, but this was probably my least favorite Oakquinox I've attended so far
No, I still have you higher than most, but for that comment you lost a few points. However, I laughed so hard at that "i losed?" that you pretty much redeemed yourself.

But seriously, fuck you. OE800 is god damned amazing malt liquor.

Crushed my first Mickey's last night. Tastes really smooth, but it should given its rather light ABV content. I proceeded to pound a fucking Steel Reserve 211 afterwards, which had me feeling gooooooood. The Reserve is my shit these days. I'm too fucking poor to purchase anything worthy, so I might was well go with the thing that fucks me up the quickest.

Also had a 40 of St. Ides. It must have been fucking old because there were floaties and shit inside it. It was pretty fucking awful. The really strong booze taste makes me think that it has been sitting in the liquor store for a few months and the abv might have been a bit higher than the 8.2 it said.
Y'all should check out the new Sam Adams Summer variety pack.

Per usual it has the Boston Lager, my favorite standard Lager (perfect balance of everything).

It also of course has the Summer Ale, which is crisp and refreshing on a hot day but it's too heavy on the citrus and spices.

Next up, the Cherry Wheat. Tastes too much like a cherry soda and not enough like, you know, BEER. It's not too too sweet and it's another fresher for the season.

The Noble Pils is quite excellent. Smooth and light like Urquel but hoppier.

The Belgian Session is a valiant attempt at an abbey ale like Duvel. Nowhere near Duvel but it's still very tasty.

The East-West Kolsch delivers as well.

I'm not an expert beer connoisseur like Andy but these were my reactions.