
Noble Pils is really boring. It's drinkable, but there is nothing going for it though. I can get a 12 pack of their winter sampler on sale for like $10 which has some good brews in it.
Zeph's take on Cherry Wheat is pretty spot on. I've told my buddies before that it tastes like cherry Dr Pepper or cherry Coke. Blergh
I don't mind Cherry Wheat but it's not a great beer, it's basically a slightly grainy cherry cola as unknown said. I like SA's Blackberry Witbier a lot better for a fruity wheat beer by them. That one is refreshing and crisp but it has a nice bit of yeasty complexity that takes it beyond the usual mainstream fruity beers.

Only thing in the new Summer pack I haven't had is the new Belgian Session which, whatever. Belgian beer, to me, pretty much requires high alcohol presence to bring out its often strong, complex flavors. At 4-ish% alcohol, I'm sure it's not doing that in any special way. The Summer Ale and the Kolsch... I'm not sure why they do both, honestly. They're the same style of beer with very minor differences; it's lazy to put them both in the same pack which is supposed to be representative of many different styles. I loved the last Winter pack, it was the best of their Winters in some time, but the Summer one just seems boring. I still feel like I want to try the new Longshot series (which is basically where homebrewers submit recipes to SA and get them actually brewed and bottled in limited runs) one which is like a 9% altbier :p

and ya i don't like Noble Pils but i'm in the minority on that one i think. too much hops, not enough actual pilsner going on. blah.
I might try the Belgian Session. It's classified as a Belgian Pale Ale, which is a delicious style. If it's fermented with brettanomyces as Belgian Pale Ales typically are, then I'm even more interested. However, The Bruery just did a collaboration with Eagle Rock brewery called Go Team! which is also a Belgian style sessionable ale, and I trust their approach to the style more so than Sam Adams
I actually really like SA as a brewery. I could be biased after seeing the movie "How Beer Saved the World" where the main dude was interviewed extensively. He's such a badass dude I can't help but like his beer. But in general I'm hesitant on buying anything from them. Their Winter Sampler featured 3 beers that were fucking great though. Old Fizzilewig Ale especially was a delicious brew. I've had some of their more "craft" beers as well, mainly the Third Voyage and remembering it being good, but nothing really memorable.

Has anyone tried this? I can't make my mind up. I like most of Stone's brews so far, but this one seems to be rather meh. It initially starts good, but leaves this horrible aftertaste...
yeah. I prefer Ruination and Cali-Belgique to their regular IPA. I had Stone's Mixed Tape #1 which is a blend of several of their beers: Levariation, Levitation, Imperial Russian Stout, Imperial Russian Stout with Anise, Smoked Porter and a couple of others. On top of that they also added sage, chilis and lemon thyme. As abominable as this sounds, it wasn't bad. It's only about 6.5% and all you really taste is sage...lots of sage. So it wasn't as awful as I was expecting it to be, but I wouldn't drink more than 10oz of it.

Speaking of Ruination, the 10 year anniversary version of Ruination is coming out this year. Word on the street is it's gonna be even bigger and more intense. I'm drooling already

Also tried Firestone Walker's Wookey Jack today. This is their black rye IPA. I like black IPAs, and I like rye IPAs. This falls a little short though. I think rye beers are a hard style to really nail down. Bootlegger's Rustic Rye so far is the only one that I love. Wookey Jack was good, but I'd rather have their Double Jack, Parabola, Sucaba or any of their other beers
yeah. I prefer Ruination and Cali-Belgique to their regular IPA. I had Stone's Mixed Tape #1 which is a blend of several of their beers: Levariation, Levitation, Imperial Russian Stout, Imperial Russian Stout with Anise, Smoked Porter and a couple of others. On top of that they also added sage, chilis and lemon thyme. As abominable as this sounds, it wasn't bad. It's only about 6.5% and all you really taste is sage...lots of sage. So it wasn't as awful as I was expecting it to be, but I wouldn't drink more than 10oz of it.
That Mix Tape #1 is actually full of pretty good stuff. I agree with your assessment of sage though. It's so weird that they have mostly amazing beers but that IPA is so god awful.
I am drinking Polestar Pilsner by Left Hand Brewing Co. It is actually quite good, but it seems to be lacking something when compared to many other quality pilsners. Character of this beer is low, but nonetheless it is quite refreshing and smooth.

Nitro Milk Stout by LHB is awesome, it is absolutely just a better version of the regular milk stout imo (which was a great beer in its own right, making the nitro one fucking amazing). I need to grab more Left Hand.
Pilsners are a hard style to get right, honestly. There is a complexity that is really difficult to hit on when it comes to (good) pale lagers, very few breweries can actually do them right. I wouldn't write LHB off because of it.